If you are not practicing, just remember: someone, somewhere, is practicing, and when you two meet,
given roughly equal ability, she will win. -Ed Macauley

"Too often we are scared. Scared of what we might not be able to do. Scared of what people might think if we tried. We let our fears get in the way of our hopes. We say no when we want to say yes. We sit quietly when we want to scream. And we shout with the others when we should keep our mouths shut. Why? After all, we do only go around once. There's really no time to be afraid. So stop. Try something you've never tried. Risk have nothing to lose and everything, everything, everything to gain." –Nike

Saturday, January 9, 2010

cyaa tom!!

hey guys!!
Just wanted to say that i loved being able to hear about all the exciting/entertaining things u did over the break!! it was great to keep the unity over the long hiatus and i hope ur all just as pumped to get back and get down to business!! ill be back in the afternoon tom....can't wait to see u all!!
Love yaa tonss cya soon,

Remember: "No one's going to give it to you, you have to take it"---its our time!!

Friday, January 8, 2010


So i got to go back to Glenn's today... omg so great. Glenn and i held hands and frolicked through the weight room... best friends, two peas in a pod. He told me how much he missed me and how the weight room just hasn't been the same without me, idk why he is so obsessed with me. he also said i am his favorite? shhhhhh don't tell him i told you guys.

went to the BU/BC hockey game at fenway. shit was wack.

KIMMAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY GIBBLERRRRRR is sleeping in my bed. ew. helppppp meeeeeeee

jayyyyy kayyyyyyyyyyy love the shit out of her.

can't wait to see you all you guys, i am going to squeeze you so hard your eyes pop out and limbs fall off.

ahhh helllooooo my loves,
Wow, I cannot believe SUNDAY we reunite. freaky naughtyyy! Vacation has been great here- we had our first nice day on Thursday which was fun to lay out without getting goosebumps. people here think we are nuts because i walk around essentially naked hoping to pick up any rays of sun possible... but it's been 50 and below the whole time. Rachcol you inspired me and i tried Zumba last night- HOLY SHIT. best thing ever. i've never laughed so hard/had so much fun in my life. I need to find a place that has Zumba in the bean STAT.
Our pipes are supposed to freeze tonight and we are supposed to have thunderstorms all tomorrow!! so excited!!
Hope everyone is getting excited for Sunday- it's where the fun begins! bring it bitches- never quit. LOVE YOU ALL.

xoxoxooxoxoxoxoxooxoxo kissssssssssssses

jersey shore cast coming to nashua

For all of you haters that think Nashua, NH is only rolling hills, hicktowns, and cow pastures (or for Mckinley-full gangs and drive-bys), I would like to inform you that, yes, the cast of jersey shore is coming to nashua. They will be at the prestigious Sky Lounge on January 29th. I do not watch the show, but maybe now I will...

Like Rachel said, it was a fantastic week. Starting with the GSE alumni game where me and Rachel (yes Traci, ME and rachel) got a chance to knock around some Penn biddies. Then I spent Monday night at Molly's and on Tuesday I had jury duty. What an adventure that was. I was brought into a room and was being considered for a 4-week long murder trial!!!! Yikes!! That would have significantly cut into preseason. So I played the student-athlete card, and as always, it worked like a charm. When I was waiting around doing nothing (from 7:30AM to 4:00PM), I turned to the two men sitting next to me and said, "do you think I have a shot of getting out of this if I tell them tomorrow is my 21st birthday?" And they said they'd bring me a cake if we had to come back the next day, which, thank God (Liz) we didn't. Yes, Tilt is right, I did indeed turn 21 at midnight in the wee hours of Wednesday morning. We spent the evening commiserating, watching movies, sipping hot cocoa...the usual.

I'm supposed to go to the game tonight, but I have wayyy too much to do before we go back...DOES ANYONE WANT ME TICKET with tilt and rachel?! Speak now or forever hold your peace.

To quote Jmar from last year..."Begin with the end in mind."

Love you all, miss you more,


Slow and Steady wins the race!

I feel like i havent written on this forever because as you know I was getting majorly bronzed in the Domincan Republic with Traci. It was fabulous there and we had a great time. Except Traci wouldn't let me wear sunscreen so I looked like a tomato for a little bit.

Had a long day today, Got up at 9 to do my workout, the straight to PT which is always a blast of course. Im there with like 80 year olds and pussy wussy boys who think they are athletic but have liek 394984743 dumb injuries. LIKE SUCK IT UP YOU DO NOTHING WITH YOUR LIFE..So jersey shore hahaha. Anyway then i went to the doctor and he told me that i can FINALLY slowly start running!! Slow and Steady wins the race right!?!?!? AM I RIGHT or AM i RIGHT?? Stookes please tell me you know what movie that is from.... But im really excited and pumped and happy that I can run because its been awhile and I cant wait to get back to finally playing some freaking lax.

I've been working out with some moorestownian laxers and they are pretty much shocked at the workouts we have to do, as well as stickwork testing. That pumps me up a lot because I know that their TOP 5 TEAM( cough penn cough) isn't doing what we are, and isn't pushing it like we are. None of my friends from home who play lax at different schools actually work out until the week before they go back to school. Which one, Boogles my mind and two, pisses me the fuck off. You guys think you are that much better that you don't need to work out or push yourselves????? Of course I don't say that to their face, im like OH YEA you'll be fine, no need to work out. HEHEHEHEHE got them so good!

Anyway TOmorrow I'm getting a massage so freaking pumped. And will return to Boston Sunday morning with Hanananananannnaanh and Nix.

I'm so excited to see all of you. And touch all your boobs

so i just did our last winter workout! so weird that is over. i did it with tilt and ray and we got to our last rice bucket and we just kinda stood there and were like, huh its over... but now comes preseason!!! woohoooooo! so we left feeling pretty good about ourselves, just maxed out on cleans, did chin ups with 25 pound weights, you know a normal day, and low and behold ray and i both had tickets!!! uh such a drill kill. and its my second one this week cause i got one on wed in the free spot! ray got hers in the free spot, and i was 2 min late to my meter! ahhh aka the meter maids r on bitch mode this week, so beware as ur all coming back in! im going to the bu bc game tonight at fenway with the fam, but most of my class is going to and the coaches so its guna b awesome! its snowing right now so im going to b wearing every layer of clothing i own. my moms got these "hot bunns" things that u put in the oven and they stay warm for up to 4 hrs and there little seat things, she got them for our games, but anyways those r guna b clutch tonight. i dont know if any of u saw invictus but its awesome! u should. esp if you know anything about the apartheid. ppl said they didnt like it cause it was too much about nelson mandela, but i thought it was sooo cool, and the rugby is awesome. anyways the poem invictus is in it and it gives me such chills so here it is:


Out of the night that covers me

Black as the Pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll.

I am the master of my fate:

I am the captain of my soul.

William Ernest Henley

cant wait to see everyone!!!

peace love #15

Nobody puts baby in the corner

hi friends!

So last night Maryland got some more beautiful snow (yay!), however, that meant it was only me and schwebb at the gym this morning with like 2 dudes that think they're legit (but really just admired me and webb doing cleans and chin ups etc the entire time). we started with our lift, which gets longer every week I swear. Or that could be because we spent at least 25 minutes on cleans determined to beat our maxes. We def can, but after about 7 tries we had to throw in the towel. (One time I actually threw the bar into my stomach instead of up -- guess I stayed close to my body like Glenn says to do though! haha, ouchhh)

Being the last chance workout, we did extra one legged squats and each set of chin ups we basically maxed out. It was good times. Our arms were throbbing by the time we benched, but we both did more than our sheets said anyway just to be ballers.

Finally it was time for terriers in a box! Well, today we had a small audience, consisting of a baby and her mama! They sat near the middle cheering for us while we ran and clapping when we finished. It was the cutest thing ever.

Then baby decided that she wanted to play though, so while we were resting she kept running to the cone in the corner and putting it on her head and stuff. I didn't really know what to do but it was my turn to run, so, I just ran at baby and mama and ran around my human cone. I think I scared her though because then she cried a little -- but that's probably because nobody puts baby in a corner!

After that Webb did some wall ball while I did some shooting. We set up a similar thing to Bo, against the mats. Ours are skinnier tho so Webb wedged a jumprope in between them to be the goal. And like Bo said, if you hit just above the mat it will fly back at your face. Thankfully, I ducked. But I almost killed another small child running around the gym at this point. Oops? Then Webb fed me some front doors and called my shot for me for fun, but after a while we were tired of chasing balls and getting hit with my shots and some douche bball player had opened the exit and set off an alarm and then ran away sooo we left haha.

Gonna meet up tomorrow morning for some more fun though I think.

Can't wait to see everyone soon! Love you all,
Jmar and Webb

p.s. "Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records." ...who's ready for testing week?!?