If you are not practicing, just remember: someone, somewhere, is practicing, and when you two meet,
given roughly equal ability, she will win. -Ed Macauley

"Too often we are scared. Scared of what we might not be able to do. Scared of what people might think if we tried. We let our fears get in the way of our hopes. We say no when we want to say yes. We sit quietly when we want to scream. And we shout with the others when we should keep our mouths shut. Why? After all, we do only go around once. There's really no time to be afraid. So stop. Try something you've never tried. Risk have nothing to lose and everything, everything, everything to gain." –Nike

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New funfunfunfun wall ball

Ay yooooo

I have a new wall ball game to share with you guys!

So this wall ball has REALLY helped with my fluidity and with feeling confident/comfortable with my stick in both hands.
what you do is....

it is the same thing as having a partner and passing one touch to each other, so when you catch it on your opposite side you have to throw it from that side, so it would be an around the world or a flip pass back to your partner and in this case, the wall. so i would stand by the wall throw it to my opposite side, catch, throw around the world, catch, throw behind the back, catch opposite and do a flip pass, catch opposite again and do around the world... you keep going until you drop it. IT IS ALWAYS ONE TOUCH and you have to throw it where you caught it (if you caught it on your opposite side do ATW, bounce or flip, if you caught it on your normal side BTB, side arm, bounce... ANYTHING CREATIVE... NO BORING NORMAL PASSING!!)

it's sooo fun and it gets addicting. you will suck at this at first, or at least did. i dropped it every once in a while and now i can do it for a while without dropping. you end up catching things one handed and doing things you never thought you could do. it will be uncomfortable at first, but the more you do it, the easier and more fun it becomes. CHALLENGE YOURSELVES!!

Let me know if this makes no sense or if some of you really want to try but don't get what i am saying and i will have stookes film me doing it and post it on here.

going to flop now.

VIRG I WANT TO READ THAT ARTICLE!!!! i feel like it was written for us


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