If you are not practicing, just remember: someone, somewhere, is practicing, and when you two meet,
given roughly equal ability, she will win. -Ed Macauley

"Too often we are scared. Scared of what we might not be able to do. Scared of what people might think if we tried. We let our fears get in the way of our hopes. We say no when we want to say yes. We sit quietly when we want to scream. And we shout with the others when we should keep our mouths shut. Why? After all, we do only go around once. There's really no time to be afraid. So stop. Try something you've never tried. Risk have nothing to lose and everything, everything, everything to gain." –Nike

Saturday, January 9, 2010

cyaa tom!!

hey guys!!
Just wanted to say that i loved being able to hear about all the exciting/entertaining things u did over the break!! it was great to keep the unity over the long hiatus and i hope ur all just as pumped to get back and get down to business!! ill be back in the afternoon tom....can't wait to see u all!!
Love yaa tonss cya soon,

Remember: "No one's going to give it to you, you have to take it"---its our time!!

Friday, January 8, 2010


So i got to go back to Glenn's today... omg so great. Glenn and i held hands and frolicked through the weight room... best friends, two peas in a pod. He told me how much he missed me and how the weight room just hasn't been the same without me, idk why he is so obsessed with me. he also said i am his favorite? shhhhhh don't tell him i told you guys.

went to the BU/BC hockey game at fenway. shit was wack.

KIMMAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY GIBBLERRRRRR is sleeping in my bed. ew. helppppp meeeeeeee

jayyyyy kayyyyyyyyyyy love the shit out of her.

can't wait to see you all you guys, i am going to squeeze you so hard your eyes pop out and limbs fall off.

ahhh helllooooo my loves,
Wow, I cannot believe SUNDAY we reunite. freaky naughtyyy! Vacation has been great here- we had our first nice day on Thursday which was fun to lay out without getting goosebumps. people here think we are nuts because i walk around essentially naked hoping to pick up any rays of sun possible... but it's been 50 and below the whole time. Rachcol you inspired me and i tried Zumba last night- HOLY SHIT. best thing ever. i've never laughed so hard/had so much fun in my life. I need to find a place that has Zumba in the bean STAT.
Our pipes are supposed to freeze tonight and we are supposed to have thunderstorms all tomorrow!! so excited!!
Hope everyone is getting excited for Sunday- it's where the fun begins! bring it bitches- never quit. LOVE YOU ALL.

xoxoxooxoxoxoxoxooxoxo kissssssssssssses

jersey shore cast coming to nashua

For all of you haters that think Nashua, NH is only rolling hills, hicktowns, and cow pastures (or for Mckinley-full gangs and drive-bys), I would like to inform you that, yes, the cast of jersey shore is coming to nashua. They will be at the prestigious Sky Lounge on January 29th. I do not watch the show, but maybe now I will...

Like Rachel said, it was a fantastic week. Starting with the GSE alumni game where me and Rachel (yes Traci, ME and rachel) got a chance to knock around some Penn biddies. Then I spent Monday night at Molly's and on Tuesday I had jury duty. What an adventure that was. I was brought into a room and was being considered for a 4-week long murder trial!!!! Yikes!! That would have significantly cut into preseason. So I played the student-athlete card, and as always, it worked like a charm. When I was waiting around doing nothing (from 7:30AM to 4:00PM), I turned to the two men sitting next to me and said, "do you think I have a shot of getting out of this if I tell them tomorrow is my 21st birthday?" And they said they'd bring me a cake if we had to come back the next day, which, thank God (Liz) we didn't. Yes, Tilt is right, I did indeed turn 21 at midnight in the wee hours of Wednesday morning. We spent the evening commiserating, watching movies, sipping hot cocoa...the usual.

I'm supposed to go to the game tonight, but I have wayyy too much to do before we go back...DOES ANYONE WANT ME TICKET with tilt and rachel?! Speak now or forever hold your peace.

To quote Jmar from last year..."Begin with the end in mind."

Love you all, miss you more,


Slow and Steady wins the race!

I feel like i havent written on this forever because as you know I was getting majorly bronzed in the Domincan Republic with Traci. It was fabulous there and we had a great time. Except Traci wouldn't let me wear sunscreen so I looked like a tomato for a little bit.

Had a long day today, Got up at 9 to do my workout, the straight to PT which is always a blast of course. Im there with like 80 year olds and pussy wussy boys who think they are athletic but have liek 394984743 dumb injuries. LIKE SUCK IT UP YOU DO NOTHING WITH YOUR LIFE..So jersey shore hahaha. Anyway then i went to the doctor and he told me that i can FINALLY slowly start running!! Slow and Steady wins the race right!?!?!? AM I RIGHT or AM i RIGHT?? Stookes please tell me you know what movie that is from.... But im really excited and pumped and happy that I can run because its been awhile and I cant wait to get back to finally playing some freaking lax.

I've been working out with some moorestownian laxers and they are pretty much shocked at the workouts we have to do, as well as stickwork testing. That pumps me up a lot because I know that their TOP 5 TEAM( cough penn cough) isn't doing what we are, and isn't pushing it like we are. None of my friends from home who play lax at different schools actually work out until the week before they go back to school. Which one, Boogles my mind and two, pisses me the fuck off. You guys think you are that much better that you don't need to work out or push yourselves????? Of course I don't say that to their face, im like OH YEA you'll be fine, no need to work out. HEHEHEHEHE got them so good!

Anyway TOmorrow I'm getting a massage so freaking pumped. And will return to Boston Sunday morning with Hanananananannnaanh and Nix.

I'm so excited to see all of you. And touch all your boobs

so i just did our last winter workout! so weird that is over. i did it with tilt and ray and we got to our last rice bucket and we just kinda stood there and were like, huh its over... but now comes preseason!!! woohoooooo! so we left feeling pretty good about ourselves, just maxed out on cleans, did chin ups with 25 pound weights, you know a normal day, and low and behold ray and i both had tickets!!! uh such a drill kill. and its my second one this week cause i got one on wed in the free spot! ray got hers in the free spot, and i was 2 min late to my meter! ahhh aka the meter maids r on bitch mode this week, so beware as ur all coming back in! im going to the bu bc game tonight at fenway with the fam, but most of my class is going to and the coaches so its guna b awesome! its snowing right now so im going to b wearing every layer of clothing i own. my moms got these "hot bunns" things that u put in the oven and they stay warm for up to 4 hrs and there little seat things, she got them for our games, but anyways those r guna b clutch tonight. i dont know if any of u saw invictus but its awesome! u should. esp if you know anything about the apartheid. ppl said they didnt like it cause it was too much about nelson mandela, but i thought it was sooo cool, and the rugby is awesome. anyways the poem invictus is in it and it gives me such chills so here it is:


Out of the night that covers me

Black as the Pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll.

I am the master of my fate:

I am the captain of my soul.

William Ernest Henley

cant wait to see everyone!!!

peace love #15

Nobody puts baby in the corner

hi friends!

So last night Maryland got some more beautiful snow (yay!), however, that meant it was only me and schwebb at the gym this morning with like 2 dudes that think they're legit (but really just admired me and webb doing cleans and chin ups etc the entire time). we started with our lift, which gets longer every week I swear. Or that could be because we spent at least 25 minutes on cleans determined to beat our maxes. We def can, but after about 7 tries we had to throw in the towel. (One time I actually threw the bar into my stomach instead of up -- guess I stayed close to my body like Glenn says to do though! haha, ouchhh)

Being the last chance workout, we did extra one legged squats and each set of chin ups we basically maxed out. It was good times. Our arms were throbbing by the time we benched, but we both did more than our sheets said anyway just to be ballers.

Finally it was time for terriers in a box! Well, today we had a small audience, consisting of a baby and her mama! They sat near the middle cheering for us while we ran and clapping when we finished. It was the cutest thing ever.

Then baby decided that she wanted to play though, so while we were resting she kept running to the cone in the corner and putting it on her head and stuff. I didn't really know what to do but it was my turn to run, so, I just ran at baby and mama and ran around my human cone. I think I scared her though because then she cried a little -- but that's probably because nobody puts baby in a corner!

After that Webb did some wall ball while I did some shooting. We set up a similar thing to Bo, against the mats. Ours are skinnier tho so Webb wedged a jumprope in between them to be the goal. And like Bo said, if you hit just above the mat it will fly back at your face. Thankfully, I ducked. But I almost killed another small child running around the gym at this point. Oops? Then Webb fed me some front doors and called my shot for me for fun, but after a while we were tired of chasing balls and getting hit with my shots and some douche bball player had opened the exit and set off an alarm and then ran away sooo we left haha.

Gonna meet up tomorrow morning for some more fun though I think.

Can't wait to see everyone soon! Love you all,
Jmar and Webb

p.s. "Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records." ...who's ready for testing week?!?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Boston in the morning!!!!!!

I leave for Boston in the morning and I'm sooooo excited....I can't wait to do my last winter workout in Glenn's gym!!! My gym at home has just not been the same. My friend Chelsea has been doing all the workouts with me, she even bikes with me. So when I couldn't make it to the gym on Tuesday, we decided to do double the bike sprints after lift on Wednesday......that's 36 bike sprints, and it took us 45 minutes. We did 9 .3's, 9 20/20s, 9 30/30s and finally 9 more 20/20s. Needless to say my legs were complete jello.

I called Marcdawg last week and she said couldn't run yet, but she cleared me to play some pick up lax, as long as i stayed in the goal. I went to an indoor place and played with some albany girls, but there was only four of us so we just did some shooting drills. Then, I got to play some more organized pick up lax and it was soooooo hard to not run out of the crease. They were throwing so many possible interceptions and I had to try so hard not to go for them. It was difficult, but at least I got to play, I feel like I haven't played in such a long time.

Not much else is going on here, I can't wait to see some of you tomorrow!

I'm gonna leave everyone with another quote, cause i love to share them, this is one of my favs and it's by shakespeare

"Be not afraid of greatness, some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them."

Love you all!!!!

peach bbq glazed salmon...mmmmm

Hellooo Everyone!
So I have had such an exciting week. First off I went up to Hampshire Hills on Sunday to play lax with Mandy and the rest of GSE. Super fun but i felt a rrrittle awkward because Mandy knew absolutely EVERYONE and I was a stranger. But anyway, we played in their alumni game and it was sooo fun. It was great to get out there and run around rather than just wall ball or shooting in a pretty small space. Then I got to work out with Mandy (and Virg) on Wednesday and it was so great to see her sweaty face back up in Glenn's . Love ya.
So I have been playing a lot of lax with my friend Audrey, who plays at GW, and we have come up with some pretty creative games over break. It's pretty hard to locate a net in the arctic tundra that is Winchester these days so we have been playing this brilliant game. We go to the Y to pass and play around and they have these mats that are on the walls that are almost exactly 6X6. They have all different colors on them and words so we do spot shooting there. It gets pretty intense because if you miss the mat the ball ricochetts off the wall and straight towards your jugular.
Anyway, tonight I am making dinner for mom and dad. wooo. we are having grilled salmon with homemade peach-bourbon bbq sauce (EEEEEE) , some salad and rice. Hope it turns out okay and no one gets food poisoning. I'll keep you all posted.


Treadmill: 1, JMar: 2

Hi friends!

So like Monica said, we met up once again to workout today. It's still pretty chilly (more snow coming tonight I hear!!) so we ran our 100yd repeats on the treadmill, 30 on:30 off style. Well, as you may recall, these "fancy" treadmills don't like runners to get a rest. Mine especially. So literally EVERY rest it would go "ARE YOU THERE?" until finally it just shuts off mid sprint! I'm so flustered so Webb (running next to me) goes "jump on!" as she finishes her sprint and I hop on hers.

However, I refused to be defeated by a freakin treadmill. So...I pumped that badboy back up and decided to just sprint without a rest to finish out the sprints. HA take that treadmill. Then, to show the treadmill really who's boss, we decided to do some extra sprints as fast as the treadmill can possibly go. Obviously, we won. 2 pts JMar. 1pt treadmill. I like afternoon workouts. I felt like I coulda run forever. (Thanks Glenn for getting us in shape!)

Anywhooo..then we went into the gym and did some footwork. We did another variation of Katie's footwork test with hurdles and sprints and slides all the while yelling defensive lingo. Props to Monica who remembered to yell "2-for-1" after the "ball down" call ;) Then we did some other fun footwork with mini sprints/slides/backpedal in the lane of the bball court and then some pivoting drills and some dots.

We finished up with a nice wall ball sesh until we were overwhelmed by the 18000 after school children trying to be ballers. No joke, one dude was wearing jeans and a wife beater and was paler than Webb's unburnt bum. Like, really???

Tomorrow is our last chance workout. So all I will say is, what have you done today to make you feel proud???

J-Mizzle Product Schizzle

So i just got back from the dentist and my teeth are killing me! I tried to eat chicken, not very successful.  I'm going to work out with Jmar and Web at 2:00. Were gonna do some running and then play some lax it shall be fun stuff.  I can't believe winter break is basically over and preseason is right around the corner! I can't wait till i get to see all your pretty faces in 5 days! 

Erica says hello to everyone and hopes everyone is having a great break! she's REAL excited to see everyone and can't wait for the season to start! she says go BEA U!

Sorry for the shortness but i just realized what time it was! miss you all like crazaaayyy!!!

Peace &  Love 
Mbaum and E

ps. Xan and Kin i got a lil something something for you two ;)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

night guard = mouth guard in my sleep

hey everyone!

so i just got back from the dentist and as stookes and bc already know....they want me to get a night guard because i grind my teeth and theyre wearing for those of you who dont know i already wear a top and bottom retainer at night which people get a kick out of since you cant understand a word i say in they want me wearing a night guard when i just got over the fear of my retainers in public (last year i had a reoccurring dream that i was in camco or the dining hall or just in the dorms with my retainers in talking to other athletes and people.. and i would wake up in the morning with my retainers thrown onto my floor, or placed on my dresser) hopefully they dont make me wearing it til summer because it will be an issue :(

anyway before the dentist i had a GREAT gym session. first i did wallball for so long i love it and lose track of time (tilt i did your thing and i love right hands getting good but my left needs work) ..then i did the lift and running and i did footwork after

i kinda made something up but it was awesome ..i put cones out for an 8m, a 12 and out past the 12 and what i did was i would start on the 8 stick up as if the ball was behind, then i would sprint and break down my steps to the 12, play d (1v1-slides and sitting low) then i would sprint past the 12 like in terrier defense and i would do slides and drop step backwards and eventually sprint back to the 8 as if the ball was passed off. i played around with it doing different things and it was a lot of fun.. also did some hurdles and stuff to get ready for defensive testing

JT totally feeling stronger too (and sore!

ajidgianhgejt -- - - 5 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hey Guys!!

Hope everyone is doing well! Tilt-- have you recovered from your spin class from hell?!? Oh my gosh I couldn't believe that story!! Proud of you for making it through the class though!!

I'm enjoying my last few days at home... I am planning to head back to Boston Friday, when is everyone heading back?!? Miss you all very much and I'm excited to hear about your breaks.

I wish I had some great stories to report but I don't really... hanging out in MN with the fam and heading to gym are my only two priorities right now!! Anyone else feeling extra strong these days? I feel like my arms have doubled in size haha and I feel like my shot is stronger!! haha well maybe it's just me but who knows!

Hope everyone is doing well and see you very soon!!


Mandy turns 21 at midnight!!!!

So i was cleaning out my desk because I am packing to come back to Boston in the morning (so pumped) and my mommy made me do it.
But as I was rummaging through everything, I found two pages of typed up quotes from high school lax. let me share some with you...

"All winning teams are goal-oriented. Teams like these win consistently because everyone connected with them concentrates on specific objectives. They go about their business with blinders on; nothing will distract them from achieving their aims."
-Lou Holtz, Notre Dame football coach

"If you are trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them, everybody has had them. Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out a way to climb it, go through it, or work around it."
Michael Jordan

"To succeed... you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you."
-Tony Dorsett

"The important thing is to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could be."
-Charles DuBois

*This last quote is my favorite one. As showed us, some people doubt us. In fact, most people do. We've always been the team that surprises people with how good we are. Except, come NCAA's, we haven't surprised anyone in past years. This is our year. We have a team with 24 girls who won't quit and who are willing to do ANYTHING to beat the odds. Read this next quote and think about it.... this is our year. When we give it everything we've got, until there's nothing left to give, the cards will fall in our hands.

"When you're playing against a stacked deck, compete even harder. Show the world how much you'll fight for the winners circle. If you do, someday the cellophane will crackle off a fresh pack, one that belongs to you, and the cards will be stacked in your favor."
-Pat Riley



another weird dream

Hello friends! So I had another weird dream I forgot to tell ya'll about..we were all hanging out and no one would talk to me/go near me and I'm like why does everyone hate me?! Finally Bo, true friend, goes "I know you're the smelly kid but it's not that I don't like you.." and I'm like wait WHAT? So then I'm trying to figure out if people think I I ask Defo and she's like "well in what context are we talking here.." and then I go to Mandy (picture PigPen from Charlie Brown with a cloud of dirt around her) and she's all like well people always say I smell so I have no idea if you do slash don't me and Dig were true smelly friends and loved each other...haha guess I should go shower now.. :/ I met up with Corc and Webb at the Y. We ran our hill sprints and then went in the gym, which we had all to ourselves, and ran our mini 60yd shuttles like Glenn said. Those were fun, good for pivoting work.

Then we did some footwork stuff with hurdles and slides and sprinting all the while talking (defensive footwork testing practice). It was fun because these 2 dudes came in to play some bball and Webb goes "IM HOT!" so I'm like ok "WEBBS HOT!" They were prob so confused. It was fun though. Then we did some mini inside the lane footwork and then did more stickwork. By the time I got home I was starvin marvin!

Question for ya peeps -- so since I'm in CAS and we don't have real advisors, I just found out that I need another 4cr class to graduate (apparently my sailing and cooking classes don't count) so does anyone have any suggestions of what's an easy class to take? Like nutrition or some shitz? Help!

Thought of the day:
"Persistence is the twin sister of excellence. One is a matter of quality; the other, a matter of time." -Marabel Morgan

Keep working hard peeps and we'll get our play to that excellent standard. Miss you all! See ya soon, love Chad ;)

#14 and #8 and #9

50 days left wat up!!

Sup Peeps!
So yaa cold weather wat up! its freezing here on LI but can't complain im sure some of you guys have it colder (JT-Side friend from Minn came here and gave me a St. Olaf Lacrosse T-shirt hahaha ull love it) On Sat. I got to go to good ol Seaford and play some lax with Trac before she and Xan went on their trip! It was great! although it flurried the entire time. We passed, shot haha workin my attack skills, chatted, and got some Starbucks (she introduced me to the Blended Teas! I totally recommend them to u guys! Tilt i know ur an avid Bucks goer u should def try them). SOO nice to be in the company of BU LAX again!! We talked about how we miss u all soo much and how exciting we are for the season to start!! I played yesterday with my friend Britt and my sister...anyone else noticing how much nicer and softer it is to catch with the new stringing? maybe its just me but i love it! Well i gtg gona go play sum tennis with my sis for a little (i guess im just copying u again kin!) buttt ill ttyl !! loovee u all and miss u soo much!! back in 5 days cant wait and 50 till UMASS destruction!! KEEP IT UP!!
Love u all,

"The Swamp" ?

So i'm sure everyone has gotten their lacrosse magazines; and as we know many of us do not like to read. So let me summarize.

Florida is full of some straight up biddies.

Reading the article made me appreciate our team on a whole new level. Yes coming in and being a freshman is a lot of pressure, but I've never felt like anyone on this team has done anything but try to help me which is a great feeling.

A little quote from one of the florida players...

"There's an unbelievable amount of pressure on us. Our coaches are putting pressure on us. They built this team and want us to be good. We have not let them down, our families down, each other down. The minute one person slacks off, it's like, "what are you doing?? I pushed through that. You can do it too"

We are a true team. Not out to get each other, not looking to put others down or place blame; but always have each others back.

Never Quit.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Spinners diarrhea... + vomit = Spinners helicopter?

OH MY GOD do i have a story for you guys... BUDDYWebb you will really feel my pain on this one.
Ok so i am in my last spin class of break because tomorrow I swim and then I am back to Glenn's WOOHOOOO!! Never thought I would say that I am so thankful I have no more spin after tonight's class. So spin begins and it's hell, as per usual... 30 minutes go by and my stomach feels like it is going to explode. I get off my wheel in between songs and sprint down to the bathroom. About 3 minutes later I run back up into class and then about 25 minutes go by and I feel like I am going to vomit or pass out, I am not sure which one. But my instructor is like okay 1 more song and low and behold Lady Gaga comes on so then I know it's my sign that I cannot bail out, even if it's only 5 minutes early. So I am doing my last sprint, he's yelling, I'm pedaling, the song ends, I start gagging, I sprint out of the room (didn't even clean my bike... oops) go to the bathroom, slam the stall and start vomiting peanut butter. This woman is next to me like, "darling are you okay?" I'm like HELLOOOO i am vomiting, does it look like i am okay??? So I exit the bathroom, bitches be staring at me, but i just grab my stuff and sprint to my car to speed home and lay in the fetal position.



P.S. Oh and what makes the story even better.... RachelJeanneCollins and I had been speaking before I went and her suggestion to me was ... "puke all over the biker in front of you!"
Thanks a lot Rach....


Hey Guys

So you all might be wondering why you haven't seen many posts from me...well i just figured out yesterday that all my blogs I've written have just been comments to other people's posts haha I'm really not that computer savvy. BUT thanks to BO she cleared things up for me and now i know how to blog the right way!!
Anyway...home has been nice I just got back from the gym with my vandy friend. I can't wait to beat them this year on their home turf on spring break they don't do shit for work outs ha. So now I'm about to go do some wall ball but i hate that it's freeeeeeezing out! I'm gonna try and do that wall ball thing that tilt was talking about. it sounds pretty fun. Oh! if anyone is going to the movies soon, I just saw Its Complicated last night and it was pretty funny/'s definitely more of like a parent movie but whateva it's entertaining.

Miss you all and can't wait to see you soon!


im cold

Sooo it's officially like windchill feels like negative degrees here in Murrrland. Yesterday the wind was so strong that flights were being delayed and delayed and further delays. Story of my life. I sat in the airport for not 1 not 2 but over 3 HOURS with nothing but me and a bar...good times. Finally landed not so smoothly at about 1 am...and was at workout in the freezing cold at 9! fml

Hannah -- I read the Blind Side over Thanksgiving break and I concur it's sooo good. Everyone should read it. Just reading about the intensity of football makes me wanna go lax. And hearing about Oher's obstacles to get where he is today...awesome. GO RAVENS (sorry Pats fans).

Anywhoo...Virg, I do not like your "no word from Jmar comment" because upon my arrival to Boston I DID in fact text you and Bo and Mandy...and Dig was the only one who responded about how she hates snow after Christmas -- talk about shut down hahaha...and phones work both ways so you coulda called me!! :( Thankfully I'll be back in less than a week and you'll be across the street from me and incapable of hiding from me muahaha

love ya'll miss ya'll

Thought of the day...
"To accomplish great things we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe." -Anatole

No idea who that person is but I like his thought. We have to have a goal (our natty champ) in order to know what we're working for. All these workouts and extra laxing we've been doing means nothing if you have no purpose, no goal in mind. But more importantly, you must believe in your own goal and know that it's possible to achieve it. I believe in us. Do you?

Where oh where did winter break go?

I can't believe that we are so close to going back to Boston, but so excited at the same time!!! So today we had our usual trip to the Y at 9 am, except this time we had more company. Webb has returned from Colorado and came to join us. Since schools and everyone went back today the Gym was less crowded which was good, we didn't have to wait to use equipment or anything which was nice. So we started with our lift, then since the gym was empty we decided to go play some lax for a while indoors. It was nice not being out in the cold. We did some partner stick work then ran through the stick work similar to last years testing so that Monica could get an idea of what testing is looking like. Everyone is loving their new sticks. After some lax we decided to brave the cold and the wind and venture to my high school to use the track. I don't know about any one else but today's track workout was a tough one! It didn't help that I felt like most of my energy was spent fighting against the wind. But we all made it through and felt good after! So tomorrow we are meeting up again to do the running but then also to have an intense footwork, stick work, shooting, and just lax session. Can't wait to see everyone on Sunday night!

Love ya!
Corcoran... and Jmar, Webb, and Monica

sup chicas

Just got home from physical therapy and I made big strides today!! I almost have 90 degress flexion, I was able to do a couple straight leg lifts and pedal VERY SLOWLY on a bike...exciting stuff I am telling you!!

I hope everyone had a fantastic New Years. Mine was low key but we had a lot of fun.

It pumps me up to hear about everyone working out and lovin every minute of it. I'm excited to get back to Boston and see the progress we've made. If you need any extra motivation think of me and how much I truly want to be running/training right now and push yourself a little farther!

I'm going to share with you a quote that I recently came across and lovee (erica this might look familiar):


I think this is important to keep in mind and we progress. It can be applied to the individual or to the team. When we come to an obstacle, dig deep and find whatever it is you need to overcome it and move on. Keep up the awesome work!!



holllaaah biddies

I can't flipping believe it is Monday... and we will all be reunited on Sunday! Where did vacation go? I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the meeting and getting goosebumps as Liz talks! Florida is still fucking cold. We're going in a boat today which should be's currently 45 degrees. But I guess we have to do some Floridaish things while we're down here. Tomorrow's my dad's birthday- the big 66 daaaaaaayyyyumm so fly. He said all he wanted to do for his birthday was bike as a family all day long everywhere his legs can take him... my IT band is going to really be happy with that one the next day...
Some exciting news, I ran for thirty WHOLE minutes this morning! I also played tennis yesterday...but I don't really think Marcdawg knows about that one
I am off the family fitness with the fam- hahahhahah probably the best mental picture you can get- my mom in full spandex, my dad in khakis and a collar shirt and last but certainly not least, jojo with her tiedyeness and hemp. gotta love it! fam bonding miss you guys!

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Just saw Blind Side with my mom and it was soo good! I know I am a little late to see it, but it was really a great movie and hannah I need to read this book after you! It sounds great, let me know what you think!!

Had a great time at Spin today, the instructor was definitely on my page with the 20 second on, 40 second off sprints we did for the majority of class!

I know that I complain about the cold here (I just wish it could get a little warmer out!) I would like to do some outdoor wall ball because today while playing wall ball in my usual spot in the racquetball courts some worker came to complain about the "noise" I was making??? ridiculous I am playing wall ball it's really not that bad....!?!

hope everyone is doing well and working hard!!

xoxox JT
Hi Everyone!

Happy New Year. Just got home from vail, and it was pretty fun! Gotta love the mountains after being in the city 24/7 at school. I did yoga sculpt on saturday with my mom and sister, and it was sooo good. It's a little more intense than regs yoga, because we use weights and do some plyos. Obviously I was the best one at the plank because we do it non-stop in Boston. I CANNOT believe I come back to school in less than a week. THat is so crazy. Can't wait to see everyone.


New funfunfunfun wall ball

Ay yooooo

I have a new wall ball game to share with you guys!

So this wall ball has REALLY helped with my fluidity and with feeling confident/comfortable with my stick in both hands.
what you do is....

it is the same thing as having a partner and passing one touch to each other, so when you catch it on your opposite side you have to throw it from that side, so it would be an around the world or a flip pass back to your partner and in this case, the wall. so i would stand by the wall throw it to my opposite side, catch, throw around the world, catch, throw behind the back, catch opposite and do a flip pass, catch opposite again and do around the world... you keep going until you drop it. IT IS ALWAYS ONE TOUCH and you have to throw it where you caught it (if you caught it on your opposite side do ATW, bounce or flip, if you caught it on your normal side BTB, side arm, bounce... ANYTHING CREATIVE... NO BORING NORMAL PASSING!!)

it's sooo fun and it gets addicting. you will suck at this at first, or at least did. i dropped it every once in a while and now i can do it for a while without dropping. you end up catching things one handed and doing things you never thought you could do. it will be uncomfortable at first, but the more you do it, the easier and more fun it becomes. CHALLENGE YOURSELVES!!

Let me know if this makes no sense or if some of you really want to try but don't get what i am saying and i will have stookes film me doing it and post it on here.

going to flop now.

VIRG I WANT TO READ THAT ARTICLE!!!! i feel like it was written for us

wasabbbii bu lax!

hope everyone had a happy new year and a good weekend! my new years was pretty good nothing too insane.. just got back from tutoring an 8th grader in algebra easiest $40 ive ever made (besides maybe working the swim meets) and eating some sushi YUM

i started reading the blind side yesterday and i'm so hooked its amazing. the entire first chapter is about the dominance of this defenseman Lawrence Taylor and how his power, agility and speed changed the game of football and no one could match up against him. pretty awesome... now im just lounging on the couch reading/watching snowboarding on tv with my dad and sister (the position we've been in pretty much all weekend - snuggies and all)

one more week of winter conditioning - lets kick our own asses and get ready to all be back togther!

<3> #11
Hey guys!
Greetings from jersey where i am extremly dissapointed in our flyers :( Anyone who watched the winter classic knows that the flyers should have won but they suck at scoring so yeah. AND my brother was in boston for new years and to watch the game. Of course he was in boston while i'm not there but thats how it goes i guess.

I also ran for the first time yesterday. It was awesome! even if it was only for a short period of time it was stellar and i can't believe i am sore from it! I can't wait to get to run more and start cutting and all that jazz. I also can't believe that we only have one more week till testing and preseason! Get excited!!

love you all,

Saturday, January 2, 2010

home alone 5

sooo henry and i are officially on our own for a whole week! i took my rents to the airport at 5:30 this morning which was so shitty and it was snowing so i made my dad go shovel out the car and was just a brat about the whole thing haha. what ever there the ones who left us to go to cancun! (thanks mandy and mogo, i formally spelled it cancoon) anyways so if anyone wants to come up and help trash the house, we need some help. im actually pretty psyched the left cause henry has school next week which means i have the all day to myself to just lax and live life, aka tilt, some serious couch time. i read some article this week about how the healthiest ppl are those that know how to push themselves hard, but then also know how to really relax, so tilt, were good to go, we can b 100 together. it was really fun to see mandy, cip and ray on new years, but wish more of you had been here! jmar, i dont know that im ok with the fact that ur ONE block away from me, and iv heard nothing from you.... anyways, miss you all TONES and keep on working.

Lovee Minnesota but not when it's -18 degrees outside, no joke.

Hi Guys!

As I am reading through all the posts, my cat bootsie wanted to get in on the action and wanted to sit on my lap and read along with me... (haha this pic is for xan and webb who think that I don't give bootsie enough love and attention...)

Just got home from this great workout/ gym called "CrossFit" Have you guys heard of it? My friend who plays Rugby at AZ has been trying to get me to go with him so I tried it today and it was so intense!! Glenn would love this place...they love all the stuff we do, cleans, front squats, etc... some guy was doing burpee pull ups and I was very impressed!! Anyways it was basically a 30 minute russian circuit with squats, burpees, and some other fun stuff and it kicked my butt!! (My arms are a little sore typing...hopefully I won't be too sore tomorrow!!

I was talking to the trainer after the workout ended and we were talking about lax and when our season starts, and even though I have heard this before it really hit me today. He said to me, "Even though you may be on the field with someone equally talented lacrosse players, the stronger athlete is going to win..." I really took this to heart and I hope that everyone has been enjoying their workouts and surviving training without the team around!! I know it can be hard but it will definitely pay off if we keep this up!!

Miss y'all very much!!

xox JT


hola mis amigas!!
sooo to catch you up on my life I returned back from florida to the wonderful snow and had a great new yrs in DC, I got to see E which was so greaat! anywaysss i miss you all so muchhh cat wait to be back laxing with you guyss. What are the MARYLAND peeps plans for working out on monday??? I dont know if I can handle anymore alone time haha Also wanted to see if you peeps wanna play this week ? I know some people are away and such but let me know what ya guys think!
lots o love - RAAKKK

greetings from florida :)

Hey ladiesssssssssssss:)
Hope everyone is doing well and relaxing and enjoying their vacation time! I got to Florida Wednesday and it was beautiful... then I heard that there's a cold front coming in the remaining time I am here-I woke up yesterday morning to thunder and pooring rain- fml. It's all good though, the way I see it- it's a message telling me that I should just work out more and be pale. So there won't be any black person coming back to Boston like last sad
I broke in my stick yesterday and I'm in love. For real.
I hope everyone is working really hard lifting, conditioning and playing around with their sticks! It's amazing how quickly time flies- I can't believe we are so close to being reunited again to start pre-season. Freshies, I'm most excited for you guys to experience pre-season and season- you have NO IDEA how much freaking fun it is!!
Well it's quite early and my mind is not functioning yet- i'm heading to the gym and then maybe if the sun ever shines the beach. Counting down the days till I see all your beautiful faces again! Love you all and I hope everyone had a GREAT new years and found love (unlike me)

Kin numbaaah XXX

Friday, January 1, 2010

One tree hill marathon=flopping forever

Hello my people
I miss all of you!! I hope you guys had a great new years, i know i did ;) I have been watching one tree hill for the past mmmmm 3 hours and i plan to stay here until this shit ends. i think my butt is starting to form sores from being on the couch for so long on this day. Although, of course, i got a work out in prior to the marathon starting. I did spin again, i am obsessed with it! I also did some wall ball, i love wall ball! anddddd i loooove my new stick, i already said that though. Buttt i gotta go help Debbie make dinner, she is using black eyed peas to make something because she claims they bring good luck. Woman is out of her mind. Cip, MOM, Xanny, Kin, D, Mogo... hope you're enjoying your tropical places can't wait to pasty while you bitches are tan.

Keep working hard, one more week of conditioning until testing!!

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

this is my favorite quote. I love this because it shows not only what we are capable of, but how much we influence those around us. The last line, "And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others" shows that hard work sparks a fire in those around you and pushes them to do the same. Don't hold back this last week, do everything you can to prepare for season. Reach your full potential, No regrets. The harder you work, the harder your teammates will work, the better you will be and the better our team will be.

Let's get that National championship.

Cat Tilt