If you are not practicing, just remember: someone, somewhere, is practicing, and when you two meet,
given roughly equal ability, she will win. -Ed Macauley

"Too often we are scared. Scared of what we might not be able to do. Scared of what people might think if we tried. We let our fears get in the way of our hopes. We say no when we want to say yes. We sit quietly when we want to scream. And we shout with the others when we should keep our mouths shut. Why? After all, we do only go around once. There's really no time to be afraid. So stop. Try something you've never tried. Risk have nothing to lose and everything, everything, everything to gain." –Nike

Thursday, December 31, 2009

feels like home to me...

YAYAYAYA Virg and I got to work out at Glenn's yesterday and today. It was so precious and just felt right. We did our Friday lift today since everything and their mother is closed on New Years Day and it was so great. I mean, the one legged squats blew but in a good way.
Anyway I get to see Mandy and Cip tonight!!! And possibly even J-mar. Dreams do come true. Virg and I were discussing today what we think Cip will be wearing. I voted for Zipper Stripper but who knows. that would be a repeat offense after all.Then I think we are going to maybe flop around tomorrow and do some serious laxing. Hopefully the field will be plowed because it snowed a whole bunchhhh.
OH OH OH AND ZUMBA WAS WONDERFUL! I recommend it to all of you. Apparently each class is a lot different based on which instructer you have but I learned so many sassy dance moves and worked up a pretty good sweat too. It did get awkward once though when mid-salsa my teacher instructed us to do this strange country line dance march thing where you couldn't move your head or neck. Even if you don't like dancing seriously just go to watch people. There was this one woman who wore dress pants, dress shoes, and a red turtleneck and just waved her arms and bobbed around in the back row the whole time. SO graceful.

I hope everyone has a wonderful New Years!
Don't be a stranger...


more snow!?

greetings from a now snow-covered "upstate" new york. yup, snow again- i was just enjoying running terrier in a box on the grass yesterday and this morning i wake up to a winter wonderland.

so life has been great here for one of my gifts i got an overnight at a hotel in longbranch JERS and a massage! it was so nice i went with my mom sister and aunt. other than that ive been happy to get into routine going to the gym everyday. one of the strength and agility coaches there (they have intense programs for high schoolers) saw me doing my 10 yd dashes and dynamax ball throws, etc....and said "kicking your own ass again today?" i really liked that because my friend who goes to florida has been ditching me cause she got a trainer to workout with. she goes back next week and was freaking out that she wont be she got a trainer! and ditched me! its good to know that i can "kick my own ass" to get ready for preseason rather then bumming out and getting a trainer. i'm sure all of you guys are working your asses off at home/on vacation too!

other than that i'm just playing wall ball in my gym, making my dad be my shooting partner and finally going to play some competitive lax in connecticut with some biddies who go to penn

happy new year everyone!! miss you guys
<3 Hannah

how ya legs?

First, I would like to thank Kate for the shout out. But of all the insightful things I've said that's the one you make famous?!

So for our Christmas present as a family we went to the new PATRIOT PLACE which is right next to Gillette Stadium (where the Pats play-->for the "newbs"). I was feeling rather blue because my dad had given the only spare ticket to my brother, the Ravens fan, instead of giving it to me, an avid, practicing Patriots fan. Not to mention I was not feeling good at all, so I went to flop Tilt-style in the hotel lobby in front of the big screen TV. Right in front of me were these three guys (think linemen from Blue Crush) who were watching kick-off on the big screen. I said something like oh hey these seats aren't so bad, and we got to chatting. One thing led to another and one of them brought up that they have season tickets and had a extra!!!!! Guess who got into the game!!! So I went toward an ATM to get some cash out to pay them and apparently all they asked my mom for was two beers! You can't get tickets for that kind of price. And the Pats won of course so it looks like we might have a Btown-Bmore showdowwwwn come playoff time.

Now it's time for me to play the game "Where will I work out today?" It is New Year's Eve so the Hampshire Dome is closed. :( After that I will be heading down to BOSTON!-JMar give me a call.

Miss you all, can't wait to start the countdown on my locker. The UMass biddies don't know what's comin, but I do.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

hiii from dux

hello evvverrybodddy.
First off, webb and traci-i'm sorry i did not give you enough props this fall. working out at 6/7 at night after a full day of work seriously sucks. today i didn't get out of work until 7(!) and so i didn't make it into the gym until 8:30...i was the only one there. i've been feeling pretty hardcore lately which is awesome. for example today in my mother's desolate gym for weenies, they have no place in which i can throw a med-ball against for the side throws. I decide to throw the ball against the regular wall to retaliate. well, looks like glenn has successfully made me strong because what did i do? oh. i made a huge crack/future hole in the wall. ooops! whatever-that gym deserves it for making me PAY 15$$$ for ONE TIME guest pass!! how else am i hardcore...oh yes. i ran OUTSIDE in the FREEEEEEZZING dark on the windy windy like seriously realllly windy track on monday. it was pretty terrible. i never thought i would miss the TTC so much in my life. i got my Mantra on monday!! i've been bringing it to work with me because if you don't remember i sit in a freezing cold warehouse by myself counting little pieces of inventory all day (fml). so now i take lax breaks! it's probably the ONLY perk of working there, is that i can play lots and lots of wall ball indoors! oh i just remembered. liz woulda been super excited. the other day charlotte and i played pass in my basement (decently low ceilings) just mini-hands for so long! char secretly sucks at mini hands so i was secretly happy...because she's version 2.0 and i'm only 1.0 :( sooo anyway, tomorrow is NEW YEARSSS. wooooo!!! everyone be safe, happy and healthy hehe! I am hoping that i am able to make it to my 6:30am flight on jan1. the plan is to not go to bed. we shall see how that goes... I'm going to the dominican republic biatchesss. along with xan and traci- maybe i'll see you there..??!? we shall see!
I hope you enjoyed another lovely look into my world. :)
and to follow the trend of everyones insightful/motivational speeches i'll leave you with a little something from the famous Amanda Rogers. when I asked her how to get where i need to be in a short 2 weeks from now she replied:
"Every Little Bit helps"
so now i'm gonna try to do as many little bits as i can thanks to that beautiful advice. you should too. we all need to do everything we can do get where we need to be.
love, #7
hey everyone!
So this week has been the first week i'm actually working out instead of doing like a 5 minute bike and it's awesome! not that it's that intese like 10 x .3 (biker's i'm so proud of you!) but a good 20 min ride is nice too :) Lifting is still kinda hard but keeping up with the upper body stuff yay!

I am so excited for new years!! Not that i have any specific plans but its always a fun time...what are you guys doing....anything really fun??

AND may i add that Dartmouth is rated above us in the US Lacrosse rankings!?! WTF!?!? I guess that means we are going to have to beat them even more than normal this year. Can't wait :)

Love you all and talk to you soon!

Hello Miss Ladies....

Hey ladies! Just got back from the gym ! Did my 20 bike sprints today (10 .3's and 10 20:20's). These are the days i'm so thankful my gym has an airdyne- for real though! Did my lift and such, and was just so lonely. Today was the first time in so long that I was just like lonely lifting, so sad. Considering my two neighborhood buddies Danielle and Mogo are in tropical areas. BUT have no fear....DEFO WILL BE HERE, i'm going to lax with Defo tomorrow, and I AM SO EXCITED. Something about seeing that girl just brightens my day. Played some lax today and did some shooting a bunch of mens players came down I really wanted to ask if I could shoot on their goalie but felt so awkward doing so. Right now i'm going to my favorite frozen yogurt place with my sister, and then we're going to see AVATAR tonight- i'm so pumped. Such a movie i'd never be interested in....

This picture is a bitter-sweet one for me. It is when my sophmore year we beat UNH in the America East Championship. This was after my fake-out game winning goal before overtime, this was before the UNH betch stole my stick and ran it to the ref, ultimately to be labeled illegal. So sad! But beating them in overtime just felt that much better. When I saw the picture Jmar posted I knew this one had to be posted also. It's one of my favorites! Look at how EXCITED we all are, this is the excitement we need to bring to practice every day. Every little thing, GET EXCITED about it. I love this picture because it just shows how excited everyone is for eachother. It's the ultimate TEAM picture. Because we had those feelings of excitement and team like qualities, we were able to be one of THE most successful teams BU Lacrosse has ever seen.....until this year :)

Love you guys!
T #23

ps- look how big my butt looks in that pic mwahaha

the DU dungeon has transformed........

Stookes and I made our way to the new weight room at DU today. Wow. It's like heaven compared to their old dungeon. It has a long 65 yard strip of turf going through the middle and then the machines are all surrounding it. The strip is prob like 10 yrds wide though. It's pretty legit. An amazing transformation from their last one which was seriously the size of mehhh like liz and anne's offices combined (prob katie's too). The place was a dump though. So it was nice to experience something new! Although I still like Glenn's a million times more, the machines in this place are wayyyyy too advanced for me, we had to ask their trainer how to set the bars to do bench press. haha.
I did spin this morning before i met with stookes. It was another hard one, they seem to get harder every time because I seriously contemplated leaving to puke slash pass out and flop everywhere 45 min into it. Buttttt i made it the whole hour!
Oh yeah and we did some stick work in the gym with the DU basketball players. I am so pumped about my new stick... MOMMMMM our shafts are legit.

That's all, I have to go get a new license today since I am old now :( so sad.
Love you all, have a great new years!!!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

hello friends

Yesterday I was talking to my papa about our schedule this year and we were talking about the preseason rankings and such -- like me, he enjoys the challenge of being underrated by opponents. And then we started talking about UNH and what the new coach has been saying about us about the type of player at UNH vs at Boston...incase anyone forgot, remember how he said a UNH player is a "team player that isn't concerned about individual statistics"...yea, idk about you, but I can't wait to play them. This picture is us storming the field after we beat UNH for the first round of NCAAS (which was like the 3rd time we played them in a week it seemed ha). The feeling in this picture is one of the best feelings in the world. I want this feeling again. I want it when we play UNH. But more importantly I want it when we play UMass on our season opener.

Keep working hard guys. Eye on the prize. I miss you all crazy!
p.s. my dad already decided he's not attending he's sister's wedding because it conflicts with senior day hahahaha (he says after 7 years and over $200,000, he's more invested in senior day)

"I am a memeber of a team, and I rely on the team. I defer to it and sacrifice for it because the team, and not the individual, is the ultimate champion." -Mia Hamm

Update from MD

So getting back to lifting has been a little shock on the body. Monday Jmar, Monica and I met at my high school and ran on the track. It was windy and cold, a nice preview to Boston weather in preseason! We then proceeded over to the Y to do our lift. I had forgotten about how the Y refuses to have 45 lb bars, the have a 50lb bar which is kinda fat and hard to get a good grip on, and another bar which we are not sure if it is 35 or 40lbs. Once we finalized which bar to use the work out went pretty well. The weightbelt wasn't being used which was nice, so Jmar and I could actually do weighted chin-ups this time.
Today we met up once again at the Y to do the running. However, all of the baseketball courts were being used so we couln't do the 60 yd shuttles as a replacement for the slideboards. Instead we did treadmill sprints that were 30 sec on and 30 sec off. Then we did the treadmill replacements for sled pulls, which were good. We were hoping to do some stickwork in the gyms when we were done but they were still all being used. So we decided to go outside a brave the cold to throw around with our new sticks for a little while.
Tomorrow were goingt to go to the gym earlier so that we can hopefully throw around for a while inside.
Well that is all from Maryland

Miss you all!

Greetings from Steamboat Springs!!!!!!!!!

Hello000 BU LAX!

Greetings from Steamboat Springs, Colorado!  It is absolutely beautiful here!  All of the mountains are breathtaking... and of course, them being covered in snow makes me like them even more.  This place is a true winterwonderland!  And they've left up all of their Christmas decorations... wreaths, lights, etc galore even though next year's Christmas is 361 days away.  How nice of them!  I'm pretty sure I need to figure out how to get certified to teach in this state, because I NEED to live here at some point.  

I'm mad at Stookes and Tilt.  I've asked them to come roadtrip and visit me, and they wont!! Wahhhh.  I guess they already have cooler New Years plans and it issss about 4 hours away.... but still I'm sad....  (Just kidding, a visit would be awesome, but I understand!)

Usually when we go skiing, my brothers ski together because they are reckless and speedy, and my Dad and I ski together because we are safer and work on our beautiful form  :)  Well  it didn't snow our first day out here (yesterday) and so we were skiing on icy trails instead of fresh "champagne powder" (what they call the wonderful snow out here).  I was a wimp and went in after just 1 run because it seemed dangerous and I didn't want to get hurt, but my dad still wanted to ski.  I asked him to PLEASE come in with me- I didn't want him skiing alone because he always goes faster and he thinks he's a teenager again when he's skiing alone.  Sometimes he forgets he's in his 50's!  Well, when I was reading by the fire in our condo... he came back about an hour later... and he was all pale and looked in pain and he told me he thought he hurt his shoulder because he was going too fast and fell really badly on the ice!  I looked at it and it was suuuuuper swollen, so I called us a shuttle and we went to the ER. Well, 3 and a half hours and a couple of x-rays later, he found out that he broke his shoulder bone in 3 places!!!  3 whole different breaks.  On our first day.  He is sooooo bummed :(  He has a sling and has to wear it for 6 weeks.  And obviously, no more skiing for the rest of this week.  On the bright side- no surgery is needed.  At least we have a comfy condo and he has a good book.  I just feel so bad for him.  This was a good reminder though that skiing is dangerous.  I'm going to continue be super safe for the rest of the week.

Luckily, it is snowing right now and we are expecting snow all day tomorrow too, so the skiing conditions will be much better and much safer for the rest of us tomorrow! 

Jmar has been kind enough to create "Kanye's Workout Plan" for me.  I asked her to email me some treadmill workouts because I cant run outside here, and she is kicking my BUTT.  Colorado's altitude + freshly running off of boot = Webb breathing VERY hard.  I'm thinking about you guys when I do every single sprint (and the wonderful hill sprints, too today).  Thinking about you guys seeeriously is what keeps me going!  Ahhhh I miss youuuu all.  The gym here is so-so, so I'm doing a combo of our actual lift and the DB lift.  And I know it's been said plenty...  but boy, do I miss Glenn's and working out with ya'll.

These are the weeks that matter.  Well, every week matters and obviously it's awesome when we are together... but don't forget how important these winter workouts are.  What you do over this break will determine our starting point for preseason, and I expect us to return in tip-top shape and with nothing less than spot-on stickwork.  Here's a little something to think about:

(Mogo has seen this quote before somewhere :) ...)

"Champions do not become champions when they win the event.  Instead, it is in the hours, weeks, months, and years they spend preparing for it.  The victorious performance itself is merely a demonstration of their championship character."

BU LAX: Be a champion today.

Winter Wonderland Webb   #9

The work out before the work out


Tilt and I had our first lift yesterday (like everyone else) and it was a doozy. Apparently du got a new weight room, so we got in about 20 minutes of cardio, as well as a campus tour while searching for the hidden new weight room. Guess what? We never found it. What some sketchy stairs led us to though, was the a secret entrance to their public gym. A guy opened the door for us and so we got in for free.99! Maybe we will have better luck tomorrow finding the athlete gym. Pretty sore from squatting today...anyone? anyone?

Our new heads came in the mail so looking forward to playing with the mantra finally.
I'm heading up to vail tomorrow to spend new years so if I can't get to a computer before then, Happy New Year!!


hello sunshine

hello from floridaaa,

Working out in a resort has so far been verrryy interesting. Sunday I went running around the resort and on the road there is a small shoulder where everyone seems to run safely so i decided I'd fit in and do that do. LIES: I was running facing on-coming traffic and a mini van decided to play chicken with me and he's coming right at me! (if he was another foot to his right he'd be on the grass) and because I am the way I am I held my ground and continued running.. he moved at the last minute and no doubt, i gave him sucha look. The next day I was working out in the "gym." I miss Glenns- the dumbbells go up to 30lbs and all they have are 5 treadmills. WEAK. So I ran and went and did my dumb bell vacation workout and got the craziest looks ever. People thought i was nut (maybe because i did the 10 yard dash in the middle of the room?) Oh well, shits gotta get done!!!

I've been having fun here, wish you guys could come! I went to Animal Kingdom yesterday bright and early and got to see lions and tigers and bears :) but today should be better because I LOVE sea world and can't wait to go!

Love and miss you all!!!!
11 days!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Bootfree Life

Today was my first real workout without the boot, and it was amazing. I still can't do cleans because of the jumping part, but I got to do front squats and everything else with two legs. Today was also the first day that I got to elliptical and I still have no pain in my foot!!! I've been doing my rehab every day and really focusing on being ready for preseason.

Before my workout today I wanted to get my wall ball and stickwork in for the day, but it was freezing and rainy outside, so I basically snuck into my high school and went into the gym, even though it was closed....but you gotta do what you gotta do :).

Not much has been going on here, except yesterday I went to the last game in Giant's stadium...which was a big embarrassment. But even though the game was awful the pre-game tailgate was a lot of fun, and it was even pretty warm and sunny, so I had a good time.

So I'm gonna leave you guys with a quote that I found today. It was actually on a poster that was up in my high school gym and I've never heard it before.

We are not here to preserve tradition, we are here to LIVE IT.

boston in 11 days!!! can't wait <3

peace and blessings,

Just a little quote

"Somewhere, someone is practicing. And when you meet him on the field, face to face, one on one, he'll beat you. Unless that someone who's practicing is you. So work the left, run the stairs, crank the corners. Give it everything you've got, every day. And when you get tired and feel like quitting, ask yourself, is the other guy tired? Is he quitting? Leave everything on the Field and Go Hard or Go Home"

T #23

I don't know how you people live without Glenn's Gym..

Today was the first time in over a year that I have had to do a lift at somewhere OTHER then Glenn's. OH MY GOD! I was so thrown off. I did the sprints at one of the tracks here in Winchester and there was still some ice so I did some dodging and shaking during my sprints. It made it pretty exciting. Then I went to the Y with all five girls and we got a free week pass. We did a beginners spin class which wasn't too hard and was so fun! Tilt, i now see why you love it. Then I had to go into the free weight room where I ran into three of my guy friends. I actually hugged one of them hello while I had a ten pound weight strapped to my waist...super cool. Anyway I am so excited to get back to Glenn's so that I can feel at home again. Tomorrow I think we are taking a Zumba Dance class. Stookes, Hannah, and Carl I'll keep my eyes peeled for any new dance moves we can incorporate. Oh and the Y also has a giant gym so my friend who plays at GW and I are hitting it up tomorrow for some extreme lax. Nothing else really crazy is happening here. The house is still full and I have watched more football games in the past three days then I ever thought possible. You would think that with 6 girls we would be able to outrule my Dad but somehow it doesnt work.

Hope everyone is working hard and having fun at home! Miss and love you!!


Don't forget to visit your mother

A little piece of inspiration...


Traci A. Landy

Greetings from Seaford NY! Last week I did this weeks workout because I'm going to the Dominican Republic with Capitain Xidano (& Liz hehehehe). Jmar- as far as the doing ten sprints solo, I FEEL YOU. However when I got to the second time around of doing the ten sprints, I was surprised to see they WERE NOT as bad- I was stoked! Lift last week was tough having some big weights in cleaning and benching, but overall I made it through! I played some Lax with danielle- as you can see by her video of us shoveling. I'm extreeeeeeemely thankful the rain washed away some of this crappy snow. I got my new MANTRA on my baller GOLD shaft, and i'm enjoying playing with it as much as I can! Trying to get the hang of it though, and gotta loosen up those strings.
I've been enjoying many of my Christmas gifts. My leopard print snuggie was a chart topper as well as my sleep shirt (that Rak inspired me to get). For New Years Eve my family and I are all going to my favorite Mexican restauraunt and I'm reaaaaallyyy excited for that!
Workouts have been so good, and the closer and closer I get to coming back the more intense I get. The thought of all of us working for eachother right now gets me excited. You guys are what keep me going and I can't wait to be with you all.
As for Jmar's post. If you haven't read the actual forums then this would be a huge shock. People think that we cannot do this without Sarah. People think that she was the ONE person who carried our team last year. That should be personally offensive to EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU. What that says is our hard work means nothing, our team can be nothing without one player. PROVE THEM WRONG.
There's no such thing as a little moment...
T #23

Sunday, December 27, 2009

ello puppets

Ello puppets!

So not much has been going on down here in Maryland. All the snow it basically melted L so sad. Hope everyone’s Christmas was a good one! Mine was great, but hectic. We had 30 people at our house Christmas day. Anna b was going crazy trying to get everything ready before the whole family arrived, while Grandma Vi thought it was Valentine’s Day haha you gotta love her.  Now were just getting everything ready for Berick’s big 50th birthday party.


Tomorrow starts the first day of training! I am getting up early to meet Jmar and Corc it should be interesting with all the food I have consumed the past couple of days. But after, Anna b the sisters and I are going shopping! Actually E may not be she’s still feeling pretty shitty, but where having her go and see another doctor to get another opinion. Hopefully they can give us some answers and figure everything out!  


Well 15 days till I see all your lovely faces can’t wait! Miss you guys!

Peace & love


i survived 10 terriers

Hola Pedro,

So the day we've all been dreading since day one of winter conditioning finally arrived today (a little bit earlier because I'll be gone Friday -- Boston for New Year's anyone?!? -- so I did Friday's workout solo today). And I ran 10 terriers in a box alone...and survived...barely. Surprisingly my legs felt pretty good, but I couldn't breathe--guess I had too much turkey and too long a Chrismakuh circuit haha.

Anyway, I was all pumped because the rain melted all the snow and it was like sunny and 40s. However, it was torrential downpour that melted the snow. Meaning the turf was matted down and soaking wet. And I had sneakers on. Being the doucher I am, I ate shit so hard. No joke I have a huge raspberry mark thing on my ass. I was sprinting and went to pivot but my leg gave out and I slid sooo fast and hard like 5 feet past the cone (as if I was sliding into home plate) and I skidded so fast that I like plopped back I just turned around and kept going. haha wish someone was there to laugh at me.

I'm also thankful for all of you because when I was dying and thought I couldn't make it I could literally hear all of your voices like cheering for me as if I was running terriers on the Nick. It was kinda weird--I felt like you guys were actually there. Maybe I was dilerious..?

Anywhooo...I ran into one of my friends the other day at the gym. She plays lax at Hofstra. She was telling me how she has to return early for speed camp. I told her we do that training on our own and she seemed surprised (I guess her team wouldn't actually do it on their own). Well, I trust all of you. So take this as a reminder that our footwork/speed training etc in our packet is just as important as the conditioning, and hold yourself accountable because we'll need all aspects to be the best we can be this year.

Here's a chin up challenge for you biddies. So today we were supposed to have 3 chin ups too. Well I was excited to use my gym's new weight belt but some dude took off the chain and was walking aroudn wearing the belt (grr) Soooo I decided to improvise. I did my 3 chin ups as a circuit. So it's like this:
chin up -- hold for 10 seconds -- lower for 10 seconds -- chin up -- hold -- lower...x3 (never stop and jump up, just hold then lower, get all the way down and then chin up back up. Shits hard. Feels good though. Enjoy!

More fun to come I'm sure because I'm meeting Corc and Monica in the morning!!

Love always

I <3 Snuggies too!

Hey peeps!

Just watched a ridiculous Ravens game and now I'm just chillen on the couch in my ravens jersey, under my snuggie (thanks Bo)! I even got the heating pad to make everything extra cozyyyy. Sounds like Snuggies are a hott item this break so I'm glad that I was fortunate enough to bring one home with me!

Stookes, Hannah, Carlin- thought I'd post a pic so polla polla and grizzle fo shizzle could make an appearance on the blog! (for everyone else those are those two crazy looking bears that travel around with us...)

I've been moving around better lately and can now get into the front seat of a car instead of taking up the whole back seat! Excitingggg I'm also able to bend my knee farther than I could yesterday which is great...still can't lift it off the floor yet but I'm almost there! I see the doctor for my follow up appointment tomorrow and I am hoping that he tells me I can shower without the brace on so I don't have to tape trash bags around me anymore - gets old really fast as you can imagine.

Glad everyone is having a good break and keep posting cause I like reading about your lives!

~ Court

P.S. Tilt- have you ever had hint of jalapeno chips? They are amazing, you must try them.

It's beginning to look a lot like springtime!!

Hey Kids!!
"Soo the weather outside is weather" (forgetting sarah marshall reference right there), well its actually beautiful I'm getting super pumped to go for my run and play some lax with my 3 home laxers on our newly snow cleared turf!!! Hellzz yaa!! My new stick is amazing and looks pretty fresh with the white head and white shaft (like kins white lightning cleats but in stick form)! Today isn't going to feel like anything compared to the cold runs I went on last week haha! It was funny my sisters and I went on Christmas Eve at like 5 o'clock around our town...pretty hilarious we all had on the same outfit and were running in a line cause the streets were still icy or partially cleared. Peeps on their way to they Xmas Eve dinners def must have thought we looked like complete tools....o well wat ru gonna do! SOO some news... As all of you know my sister Dayna plays at freakin UMASS. Apparently she was told numerous times thatttt she isn't allowed to show me any of the "secret drills" (im using the quotation marks sarcastically) she has to for when she gets back. I don't know about you buttt it really pissed me off. Who is UMASS to think that they are that much better than us that we would want to steal their drills!! Fuck that!!!! We have our own amazing shit to do that will get us that much more prepared for show time come Feb!! I THINK THEY'RE SCARED!! As we all know the quote "someone is always out there working harder", don't let them be!! Just something to think about when your doing your work out tomorrow and I'm sorry for the language, just excited to dominate!!
I loovee hearing bout all your adventures and can't wait to see u all! Loved the texts on XMAS too!! Keep enjoying break and ill ttyl!!
Peace, <3,>
DEFO #20

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Smothered in snow and snuggies

Hey people people..

I miss you guys!! Life in the mile high is nice, nothing too exciting though that I can think of. It's been quite snowy here as well JT, and so that's made for some interesting driving conditions. I got rear ended on christmas eve because I guess the guy who hit me actually got hit by the car behind him, so he just slid right on into mine like bumper cars...crazy! No damage to my car or body though which is good. My neck got a nice little jolt so if it's possible, it's going to be floppier than ever!

I can't handle how much snuggies have been a part of my life right my extended family's white elephant party, three people brought the same snuggie. I got my sister's pug a snuggie for christmas so that he can have his paws free when he watches tv or holds a baby, and I had hannah, traci, and brit viera all texted me pictures of snuggies which I thoroughly enjoyed. Maybe some monogrammed BU LAX snuggies for christmas next year??? A girl can dream..

I'm SOOO excited to start going to du to lift with tiltskies on monday! I have been doing some random stuff here and there on our week off, but I'm ready to get back into a routine...I've eaten sooo much food this past week I want to vom just thinking about it. Spin class at 8 am tomorrow, which means I should probably go to bed soon. I'm really glad that our ranking was mentioned, because someone said to me, "wow that's so good", and honestly it's really bothering me. Just more fuel to the fire I suppose. Love you all. word.


p.s thanks everyone for the christmas texts :), I don't know how to send massive texts on my phone yet.


Hey Everyone!

Hope you all had a lovely christmas. I am stuck in lots of snow in MN! ahh its crazy it wont stop snowing...this pic was taken a few days ago I think we have more now... (that's my house too!)

Had a great time in spin today! we did multiple 30 second, 40 second rest sprints...and it felt good to do some sprints again! (wish we had real airdynes around here...i will share another story about bikes later this week..)

Cant wait to hear everyone's great christmas stories! I will write again soon!!

Okay,okay... I know we're supposed to keep the blog PG, but that ranking is fucking bullshit! Ughhhh looking at that makes me sick to my stomach. But JMar is totally correct, we have worked tooo damn hard to settle with where we're at. This is a challenge. Yet again we are the underdog. The good thing is though, we know how good we are and I cannot wait show people what we are!

Funny thing in relation to JMars comment about graduation:
So I'm opening up my Christmas presents and I open one and it's a white Lilly dress and my mom proceeds to tell me it's a dress for graduation. I started getting all heated and and mumbling... I returned it today. NO BAD OMENS. no way we'll be attending graduation, we'll be too busy kicking ass and taking names :)

I'm leaving for Duke tomorrow morning till Tuesday and then continuing on to Florida until the 10th. Once I get there and all set up I will post again :) missing you guys so much!
loveee always,
mckinfuckingley X

rain on christmas

Well, once again it rained on Christmas and washed away literally all of the snow over night. I would be terribly sad, but as Corc said, this means we can run/play OUTSIDE! YAY ..and the snow was still all there until very late on Christmas so s'all good!

Anyway, I just got home from Philly -- got to see the babies! Maddie and Ella are almost 2. Their bday party --Tinkerbell themed--is the weekend I return to school.

When I got home just now I had a thick envelope in the mail -- seniors watch out -- it's about graduation. Has all the dates and events and shiz for commencement weekend and saying to book your tickets and hotels etc now. Well idk about the rest of my class (except that I do know they're all thinking like me) that I don't plan on attending any of this crap because I plan on still playing in NCAA tournament.

I want to go all the way. I want to feel like this past year and these past 4 years -- everything we have done -- has been worth it. The miles of sprints we've run and biked. The thousands of pounds we've lifted. The hours of practice and stickwork and shooting. We work too hard to let it all go to waste. I don't want to graduate and look back on my 4 years and have regrets, wishing we had gotten more. We work too hard. Now it's time for it to all pay off...

Just wanted to share this with you all -- laxpower's preseason rankings for Lacrosse Magazine (Tilt, I'm sure you've seen it):
NCAA Division I Women
1. Northwestern
2. Maryland
3. North Carolina
4. Penn
5. Duke
6. Georgetown
7. Syracuse
8. Virginia
9. Notre Dame
10. Princeton
11. Vanderbilt
12. Dartmouth
13. Boston University
14. Stanford
15. Loyola
16. Ohio State
17. Towson
18. Cornell
19. James Madison
20. William & Mary
Preseason Player of the Year: Caitlyn McFadden, Maryland

These 5 teams are ranked higher than us and on our schedule this season. I take this as a challenge. We'll see where the rankings fall postseason...



Hey guys!!!
I hope everyone had a good Christmas and enjoyed a day with their families. Just like Xan, the wonderful rain has melted all of our snow. But at least that means that we can run on the track, and do terrier in the boxes the week! Can't wait!
So today I went to the gym, it was packed, filled with all those people working off the large amounts of food yesterday. So while I am on the Eliptical I am watching the Olympic trials on the TV. They were doing the skiing trials in Colorado, and while I was working out the woman's moguls were on. The announcers kept saying something that really made me think, and that really applies to us. They kept saying "This is a winner-take-all sort of thing" and "This is win-or-go-home for these women." The only person who would get a spot on the Olympic team was the girl who finished in first, they all only got one run, one try to be going to Vancover and competing. This really got me t hinking that for us it is also winner-take all, win-or-go-home. The only way we are going to win America East, win a national championship is to win everything, every single game, every single battle. We want to be down at Towson that last weekend in May, we want to be playing in that final game on Sunday. The only way we are going to get there is to work our asses off, to work harder than everyone else, and to win everything along the way, which I know we can do. I can't wait to get back to school and start preseason, and to prove that we are the best team out there.

Love you all!



All the snow finally melted wooo!!! So i can go outside to play lax and not sweat in my high school gym with little boys playing basketball watching me. Hope you all had a FABULOUS christmas!! I know I did and Cip no wonder we are wingman becuase i got a leather jacket as well...Maybe we can wear them together and be super badass!

Anyway I've been doing some stickwork with some of my friends from home and they have shown my some new stickwork that they do. Nothing to crazy I think we all could dominate it but it just goes to show that other people are working just as hard as we we need to work harder..

I heard this quote on tv the other day haha but i really liked it

"Is it the moment that makes the man, or the man that makes the moment?"

I'm sure you've all heard this quote before but really think about it. The moment, or an america east championship, top 10 ranking or national championship isnt just going to come to us...we have to MAKE THAT MOMENT!!!!

Well that was me trying to be inspirational. I love and miss you alll and i going to go watch HARRY POTTER RIGHT NOW!!! Jmar and Bo wish you were here!!!


Friday, December 25, 2009

merry christmass!

hellooo and merry christmas!! i put off checkin out this blog because tilt and I had to create our own blogs this semester and it was a horrible experience (both of ours were sub-par...), BUT I've been sitting here reading up about all of youuuu and i'm happy everyone is doing well :)

as for my little update- here are some facts you need to know:

1. got a leather jacket (motorcycle style) for xmas. you guys, i look so badass. like, i thought that i was all cool and bad before....but NO. now though, whoa. watch out. not gonna lie i feel like the shit. it's pretty cool. you know just gettin in the cocky mindset mode before pre-season hehe. (btw i've been rocking the 'hehe' a lot lately and although it does ferak me out a bit, i'm secretly lovin it). oh-also got the ray ban aviators...yep. watchout. i'm too hott.
2. been hanging out on my mom's elliptical this week. i'm so thankful for fat parents sometimes. that was mean...i didn't mean it. i don't really like the elliptical though. kinda boring. i've been rocking out to my idol britney spears though to keep me going- definitely ready to get back into the routine next week.
3. i'm working. surrprrisse!! ew. i didn't think that i was going to but geo (my dad) gave me that tidbit of information on sunday night. so i'm working for him like i do every vaca, and it's worse than ever. i used to just do mind numbing stuff on the computer which was fabulous. i would facebook chat all day (...some of you know what that entails....;) but NOWWW i'm in the new warehouse. COUNTING INVENTORY. it is absolutely miserable. trying to get out of it--buuut my rents keep giving me the 'you'll regret it when you have no money' speech. it's real lame.
4. my family is exactly the same. my mom is out of her mind. my dad tunes us all out. we now have a new addition though...GRANDMAAA yippeee! she not only hates her own life but she hates all of us as well. today she refused to eat. good times.
5. next week i'm going to the gym w/ my brothers during my lunch break. they aren't very nice to me in general let alone in the weight room setting. i'm nervous. i think i'm gonna try to get some duxlax alums together to play some pickup. i wish they would plow the turf...but they dontt sooo i'm thinkin of renting an indoor place for an hour or so...i'll keep you updated.
6. lots and lots of talk about weddings around here. it blows. just realized that me, james, and dan are the ONLY single cipolletti's. James is only 9 and dan's a jerk....i'm telling myself i'm just TOO fabulous. hahaha...oh well

anyway, i generally do not have an idea of what i just rambled about but i hope you enjoyed it and i hope it brightened your day to get inside my head for a little while! i know mandy probably loved it (miss you wife). keep working hard everyone!! and MERRY CHRISTMASSS WOOOO!!!

Hey! So this is one of my first trips to the computer since its upstairs and I didn't know how to do it my first trip so hello and a merry chirstmas to all! i hope santa treated everyone well and brought you all everything you wanted. santa definitely came to the dirty jerz and delivered some very nice stuff :) As for my knee it isn't so bad but as i do more it gets really sore but at least i'm moving around a little! hope everyone is doing well and talk to ya soon!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

hope everyone has a great day

love yaa lots,

Hola from Costa Rica

So this blog is coming straight from sketchy wifi in your favorite third world country, Costa Rica! Just got here today after a 5 hour flight and a 3 hour drive on all dirt roads, sketchy as hell. There are literally no such things as walls here because all the restaurants are wide open and have no walls or windows; which is fine considering its a nice and cool 91 effing degrees. We're an hour behind time here so its not christmas yet, BUTTTTT


love and miss you all

Stronger, better, faster.... than John Elway

Shalom my friends,

So just got back from spin class. I was warming up on my bike and low and behold Mr. John Elway comes up next to me. We chat it up for about two minutes (yes, we know each other, i sat on his lap as a child, jealous? I know). Then class begins, we had the motivational speaker instructor again. I tell ya, this dude really cuts to my core. At one point, he stared saying "if you're tired picture everyone you love and pedal faster for them." Of course, I pictured the BU ice hockey team (mostly Colby Cohen) .... NAHHHHHT.... i pictured you fools and my pedal certainly went faster. I wish you guys could experience this dude with me, I think I have gotten choked up every time he teaches class. Who cries while spinning? I do.

Anyways, the class ends and sexy Johnny boy looks over at me and goes, "you kicked my ass." I just laughed and said, "nahhh," but let's be honest, I did kick his ass muah hahahhahahaha

I hope everyone is having a great
Christmas Eve! I am about to go decorate cookies with my mommy, but first I must shower because I may or may not smell like spicy tacos right now.

Love you all to pieces. Miss you too.

Keep truckin' ... 62 days.


train malfunction

aloha (as if i was going somewhere warm this break...not)

so last night i went to the rangers was a lot of fun! the game ends the rangers won 4-1 which was great we got on the train to go home. the train should have taken 50 minutes and halfway home the train stops.....and starts rolling backwards......and eventually stops. so we sat there for 45 minutes before they told us that the engine failed and we had to wait for another one...which would come in "15" minutes. 15 minutes later they came by and said only 15 minutes...they did this for about an hour. so finally the engine comes 2 hours later and we go home -very slowly. just my luck with trains in the past week! i wish that it would have just gone to the north pole

so today i slept until 1230 (amazing), went to the gym with my friend caroline who plays at florida and now im about to get all ready and go to church to hear my sister sing (the only real reason i go to christmas mass)......hope everyone has a GREAT christmas eve and a WONDERFUL christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay santa tonight :-)

oxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxooxoxox hannah

i'm dreaming of a white christmas...

hey lovebugs.

merry christmas eve :) using my newly-acquired weather predicting skills, i've decided that jenny taft will have a white christmas, but us marylanders will not :( we might have some rain tho. either way, no one can take away the magic feeling of christmas morning!

the gym was PACKED today. i'm assuming it was just people who are planning on chowwwwin' down tonight & tomorrow. the guy who always stalks us came up to me and was making fun of monica for leaving her keys in her car. and then he wouldnt leave me alone asking me what im doing over break blahh blahh. i told him i was going to CO and he was like oh!! haha!! tell your strength coach that you will shovel snow!! because it's just like scooping up balls!!! and i was like ummm do you mean ground balls? and i wont have to shovel because im bringing my lax twig to CO thank you very much.

anyway. still lots of wrapping to do :) i'm so last minute.

T and D-- AWESOME vid. i was loling over here. jenny- gordy's adorable! Bo- i'm so jealous that you get to workout at glennssssssss and jmar, weird dream. all i have to say is: DREAD THE RED.

love you ladies. hope you are enjoying your family & celebrating the magic of the season!!

with the whoop-dee-doo
and hickory dock
don't forget to hang up your sock!
'cause just exactly at 12 o'clock
he'll be coming down the chimney
comin' down the chimney
comin' down the chimney doooown!
happpppyyyy holidaaaaay :)

xoxoxo WEBB

twas the day before christmas, when all through the house, EVERY creature was stirring

heyo!so things are pretty crazy here cause my moms whole fam is here for christmas. its the first christmas where my g'rents havent had there big house in chestnut hill and everyone is FREAKIN about it, and its quite exciting. since they got here yesterday there have only been 2 major blow ups, one being my uncle flipped a shit on my mom cause his wife turned vegetarian this year and my mom is still making roast beast. aka stupidest fight ever cause there's 20 of us, and were not all going to eat vegetarian just cause she is. I WANT MY MEAT BITCH! haha. other than that things have been pretty chill, iv really been enjoying having nothing to do. since glenns is closed for this week and next, iv had to figure out somewhere else to go and my moms gym is having this 21 day free trial but only for residence. so i walk in there on monday decked out in bu lax, cause thats all i own obvi, and try desperately to convince her i dont go to college, even though iv already filled out the form saying im only 20, my occupation is "student" and that i work out on average 6 days a week, aka college athlete. so i end up having to bring my mom into the room to vouch for me, and the lady just rolls her eyes and lets me go :). then they had to do a few tests for liability stuff, maybe u guys all do this cause u have ur own gyms at home, but this is all new to me cause i just work out at glenns. anyways the tests were like body comp, strength, blood pressure, and flexibility etc and there all raited 1-5, 5 being the best. i got 5s on all of it except for flexibility which i got a 1! haha o well, guess thats why im going to yoga over break! alright g2g help out/ try to keep everyone entertained. miss you all!!

weird dream

As promised, there's a pic of my workshop set up in my room. I took it on my phone so you can't get the full effect, but basically there's piles of presents everywhere and my wrapping supplies under slash on top of the table. I can't really walk in my room anymore haha

The first pic is me playing in the 2 ft of snow before we got plowed/shoveled out of our neighborhood hehe. There's little kiddies sledding in the background. So precious.

Anyway, last night I had a weird dream about all of you. It was a red vs white challenge kind of day, but we we're exactly in our red and white teams. We were tied though, so Liz said to do a shoot out to win. Each team got one shot and one blocker against the other person's shot...but we weren't on a lax field -- it was a long table and we were playing table hockey/shuffleboard style ish.

Anyway, the "red" ish team was shooting my team (white) decided to put Gibbler as our blocker haha (even tho she's really on red..hence teams were weird). And she's like who do you think will shoot? And I'm like duh, Traci or Kin. Good luck kid. So Gibbler's all like "bring it haha" Well, it isn't either that steps up to the table. It's Cip (who should be on white). She's like well, I don't play attack so no one will blame me if I miss.

I'm not sure what happens, but I'm assuming Cip scores. So then it's our turn to shoot. The "red" team decides to use an object as their blocker. They set up a big glass vase field with coins (realy heavy) and we have to score by knocking it over with a paper ball thing. And there are like bottle obstacles. Somehow Carla (the art director of my ad lab team, who's a tiny CFA girl) is our shooter. I guess I thought she could concoct a way to avoid obstacles? Well she does...but can't knock it over. Traci's yelling things at her like "This shows how bad you want it! Find a way to get it done!" etc haha So our team loses.

Everyone's mad at me (maybe I picked Carla?) so they all leave and I have to crutch all the way home -- did I mention I was on crutches? I think in my dream I had Court's knee because I remember stitches..haha. So I'm crutching home from Kenmore while everyone piles into cars. Except Virg...she's my buddy and loves me so she walked home with me and said it wasn't my fault because she would have tried the same shot as Carla and we stood no chance. Then the coaches drove by and gave us a ride part of the way home, to wherever they were going.

Then I woke up so idk how it ended...haha weirdest shit ever though. Sorry I failed you white team!

Merry Christmas Eve, enjoy the holiday and then get back to working hard!
love you miss you
p.s. traci and d --love the video HAHAHAHAHA

p.p.s. liz you win, i love my amonte :)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ohhh yeaa dontcha knooow chickity check (that was supposed to be in a Minnesota accent too)

Hellooo Everyone!!
I hope everyone is having a PHENOMENOL (or funaminal as virg likes to spell it) break so far! I know I am but I miss everyone already! The house is getting really crazy with everyone coming home for Christmas. Corinne finally got in today so I'm sure all six of us will be running indian sprints around Winchester any day now. Other than that life hasn't been too exciting. I've just had to make some food for our Xmas Eve party, Netti pot Anna's nose for her, and avoid Mommy dearest at all costs. She gets a little crazy around the holidays...
Anyway, the other day I tried to teach my brother some ab workouts. I showed him that ab ladder which I think I've done with a lot of you (Court and Trac?). You hold your sit up position while your partner does one, and then they hold theirs while you do on and so forth, all the way up to ten. He made it to 3. I think we'll try it again soon and I'll have him aim for 5.
Winchester is soooo magical right now. The town decorated all the trees in the town common and put wreaths on all of the lamp posts. Its really quite scenic this time of year! It's getting me so excited for Christmas but then I realized that Dana's boyfriend will be here for Christmas morning and for some reason it is an unwritten rule that boyfriends get the most presents in the Collins/Imperatore household. It's a sick and twisted world we live in. Sophomores - I may be breaking into your apartment to borrow that blow up doll to stand in as my boyfriend so I can have all of his presents.
Going to meet up with Billy Blanks to do some Tae-Bo!!
Love you all!!!


This is what it takes to be a champion

Sooo if u did not see on our facebook walls, Traci and I thought itd be fun to shovel off the field and play some lax. I'm not smart enough to bring snow boots so my toes went numb but other than that, it was a great time! The track boys in the area kinda looked at us weird but its whatevs, you do what you gotta do. My weeks been boring so far: all I've done is go to the gym, shop and sleep. Just like Mogs, I am going away too but I'm pretty sure Florida can handle the internet so expect some posts of the beautiful weather:)

JT- roxy and gordy should be friends...

lyl & miss you all!


ps and by the way: Panera in massapequa is isolated from the world and unaware of the buy a mug and get free coffee deal and the manager yelled at me across the store when i waltzed on in to get my coffee and said "what do you think your doing, you didnt pay for that" so I got into a somewhat peaceful argument with him in front of everyyoneeee ... dont worry, i won and made him look like a fool, duh.

twas the night before christmas eve...!

Hello my sweet darlings!

So today is a hectic day here at the North Pole. The packages to be wrapped keep multiplying! Just when I think I'm almost finished my mom comes in and goes "oh I found some more presents for (insert name here)" haha

Anyway, I took some time off from elf duties to workout this morning with Corc and my wing Baby Baum. It was great fun. Ran some treadmill intervals (2min sets L7-8-9-7-8-9 etc for 20 mins) and it was harder than I thought, felt like I actually did something so that was cool. Ran into my old friend from the gym (she plays lax at Hofstra, and the only person from HS/club that still ENJOYS lax besides me sadly) and she was like dang you guys are running faster on this machine than I ever would (I'm like HA this is our rest week chica)

Then we did our fun circuit and as we're flopping near the ab section this dude that works there that I loatheeee (if you talked to me/webb/corc this summer about workouts you know you i am referring to) walks up and is all like "you girls the lax group?" and were like um duhh and I anticipate some smartelic comment but he goes uhh there's a honda with lax sticks in the back who left their keys in the door....aka monica HAHAHA Gosh I've missed her! :)

Then I went to visit my dear friend Court. She seems to be doing great! A little deformed looking though if you saw our previous picture post....hehe

Welp, gotta get back to the workshop! Just want to leave you with the quote I wrote on Gibbler's canvas...

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact; it's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing."

As you all continue to work hard over break, remember our goal in mind. When you're lifting more weight than any female ever should, before you drop your last set of cleans, or think you can't go up in your bench, or question if you'll get that last (or first) chin-up, remember how hard you worked every day this winter. Picture yourself standing on that platform, with your meathead teammates next to you, cheering for you, as you finish your last set. Picture yourself running terrier in a box until your legs gave out from underneath you, but you somehow ran one more. And remember that impossible is nothing. You can dig deeper and fight more than you thought you could, and you proved that this winter. Don't give up now.

Love you all
Merry Christmas

Hii YA from MinnesSOTA! (that was supposed to be said in a Minnesota accent!)


Hope everyone is enjoying being home and spending time with the fam! It's nice and cold here but I just love being back and I love the snow. Xan I don't know if you would love the snow but I think you should visit and find out for yourself :) !! (As you can see, Gordy loves the snow too!)

I have been keeping up with workouts and today I had my hockey alumni game...even though I don't skate often I still felt in shape (thanks Glenn!) It was fun to see old teammates and play... there is an outdoor rink down the block that I am trying to get my brother to go skate with me soon...

I am loving the new lax stick too!! No one at the gym has come up to me confused about what sport I am playing so that's always good....normally I play wall ball in the racket ball courts and hope that no one will see me.

Tonight is one of my good friend's bachelorette parties, and we rented a limo to go around downtown minneapolis...haha so crazy she is getting married Saturday, but tonight should be fun (but it's going to be hard to top WEbb's limo on her bday!!!)

I hope everyone is having a great break, I will write again soon!!

xoxo JT


Helloo from Maryland!! Jmar came to visit me today and brought some great treats! We decided to share a funny pic...

<3, Court and Jmar

"I'm here with my dad and we never met......"

I miss the crap out of all of u sooooo much and wish u were all with me right now! like i wish there was a lockeroom here that i could go to when i was bored and you would all magically be there to entertain me haha soon enough!! SOooooooo omg exciting news! my trainer whos been my bff for the past 4 years is coming to work at BU!!!! He had told me on Fb that he had a news to tell me and wen i went to workout on Mon he told me he was coming to work at the Athletic Enhancement Center aka the grad school for trainers aka where Xanimal worked this fall. His name is Mike (ironic haha) and he is the shiz! he's an interesting guy and it should be funny to see him around!!
So last night i decided to go for a nice run in the freezing cold in shorts mckin style hahaha it actually was amazing! All i kept thinking bout was how it reminded me of preseason and all those early games!! I got soo pumped, especially wen some woman in a car stopped me and asked if I was cold and I proceeded to respond with "AwHellz No! I'm from Boston" (or something like that!! haha)
Christmas is soo soon and im soo excited! I love hearing about all your crazy home experiences and all the amazing quotes. I just want to say, to piggy back off of Liz's group hug after the reading, that I absolutely love all of you soo much! This is it!! You are the team that is going to go to that next level, you are the team that is going to take that next step. You are my family and to twist a quote by Keanu Reeves in The Replacements...It will be an honor to share the field of battle with you.
Talk to you all soon,

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hey guys -- So Maryland is still covered in snow and it has caused most counties to cancel school for the past two days and tomorrow, which has my mom really excited because she gets 3 extra days of vacation. I have been busy baking cookies, and wrapping everyone's presents. So today I decided to go for along run around my neighborhood. It was really fun to see everything covered in snow while I ran. I then attempted to find a place to play wall ball, which is a little difficult. I did end up being about to play up at my high school, they had shoveled a little path on the blacktop that made it possible, so I am working on breaking in that new stick. Tomorrow I will have some friendship being as Jmar, Webb, Monica, and I are all meeting up to work-out together!! I can't wait till Christmas. I hope everyone is enjoying home, but I miss you all!!!

Love ya,

Fake christmas?

So nothing too exciting has been going on here, did my workout at my local gym "Big Al's" which is basically full of 40 year old muscle heads who are all about their PROTEINNNNN. I've been home for 24 hours and im already packing to leave again for Costa Rica; its really weird. My mom is pissed that my dad and I are leaving her home on christmas so tomorrow we are having a mini christmas, just exchanging presents and stufff.

One of my underclassmen from my high school came over today to say hi and was admiring my stick, and not gonna lie it made me feel so cool when she was like "you get this for FREE??" Yeah, we're legit.

I'm so glad to hear that everyone is on the road to recovery; cant wait to step on the field with you come preseason

btdubbs no phone service in Costa Rica and sketchy/if any?? internet service so i'm gonna try my hardest to post for the week that i'm away but if I can't then i'll miss you all immensely and will be sure to post plenty when I get back!

<3 Mogo

Found a fantastic quote

First off- KUDOS to all these quotes being posted (ESPECIALLY Coach K, Rak i'm VERY impressed...), they are freaking AWESOME. I love reading them they get me so fired up. I like to check the blog in the morning before I work out for some fuel. Here's one I found in my favorite book Standing Tall by Vivian Stringer (the head Rutgers womens basketball coach)

[on the cloessness of a team] "That cloesness is something i've tried to replicate with my teams. I want them to play with and for one another; even if a girl doesn't have the self-respect or discipline to go that extra mile for herself, she'll do it out of respect for the girl next to her. Whether she's a starter or someone who plays half an hour all year, she's part of something important, and she'll look within to find whatever she can give to make it better."

Love you guys!
T, #23

polar express

hey hey!

so i just figured out how to write on this (thanks kin) i've been reading but had no idea how to respond. so i got home last night FINALLY after the longest week of studying. the train home was just like the polar express it had snow on it and i listened to christmas music all the way home! and the doors were frozen shut so every time the train stopped it took about 20 minutes to get everyone out ONE door.

today i wrapped all of my gift and blasted my awesome christmas playlist. i cant believe Christmas is in 3 days! tomorrow im going to the rangers game! WOOHOO go matt! he got moved back up just in time!! .....nothing too exciting has happened in the 24 hours ive been home so hopefully next time ill have some better stories

miss you <3 hannah

PS. traci im really glad your dad has a new song because pokerface is getting a little out-dated (hehe). tilt im jealous that you went to mcdonalds for breakfast im gonna need to do that tomorrow

Helloo Hello My Wonderful Teammates (And Coaches)!


I am in fact alive after surgery last week. I've had some time to catch up on a lot of: sleep, movies, tv shows, reading, magazine gossip, etc. Yesterday and today I have been able to move around a lot more which has been fabulous. I actually made it out to a movie today. We saw the new Disney movie, The Princess and The Frog. I thought it was really cute! Great soundtrack (set in New Orleans) and it was a "traditional" Disney movie with a Princess and great animation. Haven't had one of those in a long time!

Wish you guys could have seen my set up at the theatre...I can't sit normally in a chair so I sat in the vary last row and made a great little contraption with my crutch that kept my leg elevated. Worked out great but probably looked so awkward!

Obvi I don't have any great stories from the gym, but I have had one PT session! I go to my second one tomorrow. Before I went on Monday I took a pain killer...apparently I should have had more of a breakfast because once he had me stand up from the table and move around a bit I legit thought I was going to pass out/vomit all over the room- AH. I started to panic and sweat and and so I had to tell the guy. He sat me down, got me some water and a piece of chocolate....that was my real plan all along!

Right now I am sitting on the floor, taking a break from my "exercises," which really consist of me staring at my leg willing it to bend, and watching some CMT. I MISS YOU ALL!!

I am going to go finish these exercises and then get ready for dinnahhh.


p.s. "Sing Off" watchers: We passed a woman while driving today that very closely resembled one of the women from MAXX FACTOR ...wonder if it was her!?

603-->only me

Hello ladies,

I've decided that it's officially 20 degrees colder in NH than Boston. It's a good thing I've got such thick skin!!! ;)

So I made up Friday's workout on Monday, and I decided that I would try a TERRIER in the BOX going the other direction (so pivoting on my right foot). I nearly toppled over and lost an ankle, it's a good thing I had me cleats on.:) Regardless, I would recommend that as you guys are doing those next week when you're by yourself or with a bud, try to alternate which direction you are going in. We don't want to be dominant on one side!! It'll feel funny for a little, but you'll get used to it. I'd love to hear if you try this.

Love love love the inspirational stuff. I'm so fired up to get started in January. This is similar to JMar's, but here's one of my favorites:

"The vision of a champion is someone who is bent over, drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion, when no one else is watching."

I so excited because I know every member of this team is 100% committed, and I look forward to showing the nation what we can do together.

Love you all,


alo govna

greeetings again!
I think we need to coordinate a video chat time or something I miss everyone :( anyways thank god this is the chriskmakuh circuit week i have been shoveling snow the past 2 days and it is quite the workout! I was also in my car this morning on my way to get coffee and my cd changed to the one mrs walker made for me and KIDS BOP came on, made me miss you all! anyways Im currently reading Coach K's The Gold Standard ( despite my hatred for Duke I gave in since this book is about the USA 2008 olympic team) and its soooo good! so i decided I would leave some inspirational thoughts/ quotes/ exercepts on here for you guys ....

this is during @ the press conference announcing the 2008 usa olympic basketball team in chicago, illinios ...
before the team left for photographs one reporter asked the managaing director jerry colangelo the inevitable "what if" question: what if we lose? his answer was perfect,
"we never worry about what might happen, we look forward to what will happen."
We could not allow our team progress to be stifled by the "what ifs" or the pressure of outside expectations. We had to look at our mission ahead, not a feeling of fear for what could go wrong. ANTICIPATION. not expectation. Anticipation, meant an excitment to encounter unknown and new challenges, not a fear of them.

lylasss .. rak

McDonald's hash brown and sausage mcmuffin

Just got back from McDonald's for some breakfast... sooooooo good. MmmMMMmmm
you guys are jealous, i know.

Went to spin last night, i was a little disappointed because it wasn't that hard, and the music was sub-par until GAGAOLALA played, love that shit. The instructor was nice to look at though. Anyways, I did those planks on that bouncy slash hard thing we do, u know what i mean, and this trainer comes up to me and goes "how long you doing that for?" and i said "one minute" and he said "wow, that's a hard one," and i said, "meh doesn't faze me" (meanwhile my abs are ripping through my skin). muahhhahahahaha, then we got into talking about what type of training we do in Glenn Harris's strength and conditioning room. Glenn this man thinks you're legit.... our fingers are touching now, aren't they?

I'm about to buy 500 days of summer on demand and do a good 5 hours of flopping before i go work out today. Should be a solid day.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh ANDDDD i swam laps on sunday and one of the swim coaches asked me who i swim for and i responded uhhh no i am a lacrosse player. duhhhhhh
god i am perfect.

kittyyyyyyy cat meow meow meow

(p.s. Moniguy, got so many compliments on my bows at the gym)

Monday, December 21, 2009


So it's crazy hearing everyone's stories about getting home through the intense snow....we still haven't gotten any in upstate ny. There's a little bit of snow on the ground from before, but no snow since I got home. Although I've been acting like I'm snowed in, I think I was asleep for more hours than I was awake this weekend.

Today I ventured into the gym to do my workout and I didn't realize that it was the christmakuh circuit until afterwards :) and I really miss Glenn's cause everyone stares at me in my boot (which comes off wednesday!). I called webb today but got no response as usual....

Tomorrow I'm waking up to do a spin class and then going shopping all day. Then I'm dragging my brother out to do stickwork and break in my new sticks....I wish I wasn't all alone up here.

And Rak - I'm really glad you finally made it home, I can't imagine you driving in that blizzard. Oh and did the guy ever find those pebbles in your CD player during your checkup? It was definitely all those rocks.

I love reading all the inspirational posts and I'm getting so pumped up for spring.

I miss everyone!
Gibblah #28

HAPPY NO BOOT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today, I got to take my boot OFF. Woo-hooooo!!!! I was so tired of that thing. I got a very nice phone call from Gibbler, since we h8 boots hardcore together, and she left me a sweet message saying yayyyy no boot. I'm not gonna call her back though, because I dont answer her calls or texts. Anyway, as many of you know, one legged bike is soooooo wack.... so THANK THE LORDY today I went to the Y and did the "Christmukah Circut..." (It was pretty baller) THEN I did spin class.... and this instructor was caraaazay. He was this big tough guy who kept screaming at us and saying HERE WE GO HERE WE GO I KNOW YOU CAN GIVE MORE and staring into everyone's souls. Last year I remember the biddy who lead spin class before Christmas played some Christmas music and was real chill. NOT this guy. It was a nice "welcome back" to 2-legged biking. I loved it soooo yea I'll be back for more.

Tomorrow I'm meeting up with Jmar and Angie to workout. I'm excited for friendship. It's always better when you have a bud or two! We're going to continue to break in our new sticks (YAY) and do a lil footwork to mix it up. Marcy if you read this no worries I'll be careful with my lil foot.

Court and Knix-- so glad to hear you are doing well. Hang in there. Court I am visiting you soon, and bringing lots of Christmas Cheer!!!!

Welp, my fat cat is meowing for a midnight snack. I'm gonna see how many oreos I can give her before she throws up heheheheheheeee

I already miss all you guys. Traci, I LOVED that post. Ahhhhhh season is so soon. I hope everyone is wearing their bracelets from the soph's.... Everytime I look down at mine I think of all you guys and how pumped I am to play lax/die in sprints/bleed on the field with you :)


(And so is CHRISTMAS!!!)

ok, i'm done! love you girls.