If you are not practicing, just remember: someone, somewhere, is practicing, and when you two meet,
given roughly equal ability, she will win. -Ed Macauley

"Too often we are scared. Scared of what we might not be able to do. Scared of what people might think if we tried. We let our fears get in the way of our hopes. We say no when we want to say yes. We sit quietly when we want to scream. And we shout with the others when we should keep our mouths shut. Why? After all, we do only go around once. There's really no time to be afraid. So stop. Try something you've never tried. Risk have nothing to lose and everything, everything, everything to gain." –Nike

Thursday, December 24, 2009

i'm dreaming of a white christmas...

hey lovebugs.

merry christmas eve :) using my newly-acquired weather predicting skills, i've decided that jenny taft will have a white christmas, but us marylanders will not :( we might have some rain tho. either way, no one can take away the magic feeling of christmas morning!

the gym was PACKED today. i'm assuming it was just people who are planning on chowwwwin' down tonight & tomorrow. the guy who always stalks us came up to me and was making fun of monica for leaving her keys in her car. and then he wouldnt leave me alone asking me what im doing over break blahh blahh. i told him i was going to CO and he was like oh!! haha!! tell your strength coach that you will shovel snow!! because it's just like scooping up balls!!! and i was like ummm do you mean ground balls? and i wont have to shovel because im bringing my lax twig to CO thank you very much.

anyway. still lots of wrapping to do :) i'm so last minute.

T and D-- AWESOME vid. i was loling over here. jenny- gordy's adorable! Bo- i'm so jealous that you get to workout at glennssssssss and jmar, weird dream. all i have to say is: DREAD THE RED.

love you ladies. hope you are enjoying your family & celebrating the magic of the season!!

with the whoop-dee-doo
and hickory dock
don't forget to hang up your sock!
'cause just exactly at 12 o'clock
he'll be coming down the chimney
comin' down the chimney
comin' down the chimney doooown!
happpppyyyy holidaaaaay :)

xoxoxo WEBB

1 comment:

  1. let me clarify my BO i'm sorry you cant workout at glenns this week, but still jealous on the whole because you get to NEXT week....and the week after... when i cant. haha. there that makes sense!!!
