If you are not practicing, just remember: someone, somewhere, is practicing, and when you two meet,
given roughly equal ability, she will win. -Ed Macauley

"Too often we are scared. Scared of what we might not be able to do. Scared of what people might think if we tried. We let our fears get in the way of our hopes. We say no when we want to say yes. We sit quietly when we want to scream. And we shout with the others when we should keep our mouths shut. Why? After all, we do only go around once. There's really no time to be afraid. So stop. Try something you've never tried. Risk have nothing to lose and everything, everything, everything to gain." –Nike

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

McDonald's hash brown and sausage mcmuffin

Just got back from McDonald's for some breakfast... sooooooo good. MmmMMMmmm
you guys are jealous, i know.

Went to spin last night, i was a little disappointed because it wasn't that hard, and the music was sub-par until GAGAOLALA played, love that shit. The instructor was nice to look at though. Anyways, I did those planks on that bouncy slash hard thing we do, u know what i mean, and this trainer comes up to me and goes "how long you doing that for?" and i said "one minute" and he said "wow, that's a hard one," and i said, "meh doesn't faze me" (meanwhile my abs are ripping through my skin). muahhhahahahaha, then we got into talking about what type of training we do in Glenn Harris's strength and conditioning room. Glenn this man thinks you're legit.... our fingers are touching now, aren't they?

I'm about to buy 500 days of summer on demand and do a good 5 hours of flopping before i go work out today. Should be a solid day.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh ANDDDD i swam laps on sunday and one of the swim coaches asked me who i swim for and i responded uhhh no i am a lacrosse player. duhhhhhh
god i am perfect.

kittyyyyyyy cat meow meow meow

(p.s. Moniguy, got so many compliments on my bows at the gym)

1 comment:

  1. So close to touching until I read what you had for breakfast!
