If you are not practicing, just remember: someone, somewhere, is practicing, and when you two meet,
given roughly equal ability, she will win. -Ed Macauley

"Too often we are scared. Scared of what we might not be able to do. Scared of what people might think if we tried. We let our fears get in the way of our hopes. We say no when we want to say yes. We sit quietly when we want to scream. And we shout with the others when we should keep our mouths shut. Why? After all, we do only go around once. There's really no time to be afraid. So stop. Try something you've never tried. Risk have nothing to lose and everything, everything, everything to gain." –Nike

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Greetings from Steamboat Springs!!!!!!!!!

Hello000 BU LAX!

Greetings from Steamboat Springs, Colorado!  It is absolutely beautiful here!  All of the mountains are breathtaking... and of course, them being covered in snow makes me like them even more.  This place is a true winterwonderland!  And they've left up all of their Christmas decorations... wreaths, lights, etc galore even though next year's Christmas is 361 days away.  How nice of them!  I'm pretty sure I need to figure out how to get certified to teach in this state, because I NEED to live here at some point.  

I'm mad at Stookes and Tilt.  I've asked them to come roadtrip and visit me, and they wont!! Wahhhh.  I guess they already have cooler New Years plans and it issss about 4 hours away.... but still I'm sad....  (Just kidding, a visit would be awesome, but I understand!)

Usually when we go skiing, my brothers ski together because they are reckless and speedy, and my Dad and I ski together because we are safer and work on our beautiful form  :)  Well  it didn't snow our first day out here (yesterday) and so we were skiing on icy trails instead of fresh "champagne powder" (what they call the wonderful snow out here).  I was a wimp and went in after just 1 run because it seemed dangerous and I didn't want to get hurt, but my dad still wanted to ski.  I asked him to PLEASE come in with me- I didn't want him skiing alone because he always goes faster and he thinks he's a teenager again when he's skiing alone.  Sometimes he forgets he's in his 50's!  Well, when I was reading by the fire in our condo... he came back about an hour later... and he was all pale and looked in pain and he told me he thought he hurt his shoulder because he was going too fast and fell really badly on the ice!  I looked at it and it was suuuuuper swollen, so I called us a shuttle and we went to the ER. Well, 3 and a half hours and a couple of x-rays later, he found out that he broke his shoulder bone in 3 places!!!  3 whole different breaks.  On our first day.  He is sooooo bummed :(  He has a sling and has to wear it for 6 weeks.  And obviously, no more skiing for the rest of this week.  On the bright side- no surgery is needed.  At least we have a comfy condo and he has a good book.  I just feel so bad for him.  This was a good reminder though that skiing is dangerous.  I'm going to continue be super safe for the rest of the week.

Luckily, it is snowing right now and we are expecting snow all day tomorrow too, so the skiing conditions will be much better and much safer for the rest of us tomorrow! 

Jmar has been kind enough to create "Kanye's Workout Plan" for me.  I asked her to email me some treadmill workouts because I cant run outside here, and she is kicking my BUTT.  Colorado's altitude + freshly running off of boot = Webb breathing VERY hard.  I'm thinking about you guys when I do every single sprint (and the wonderful hill sprints, too today).  Thinking about you guys seeeriously is what keeps me going!  Ahhhh I miss youuuu all.  The gym here is so-so, so I'm doing a combo of our actual lift and the DB lift.  And I know it's been said plenty...  but boy, do I miss Glenn's and working out with ya'll.

These are the weeks that matter.  Well, every week matters and obviously it's awesome when we are together... but don't forget how important these winter workouts are.  What you do over this break will determine our starting point for preseason, and I expect us to return in tip-top shape and with nothing less than spot-on stickwork.  Here's a little something to think about:

(Mogo has seen this quote before somewhere :) ...)

"Champions do not become champions when they win the event.  Instead, it is in the hours, weeks, months, and years they spend preparing for it.  The victorious performance itself is merely a demonstration of their championship character."

BU LAX: Be a champion today.

Winter Wonderland Webb   #9

1 comment:

  1. AH WEBBB YOU ARE SO CLOSE YET SO FAR....!!!!! Miss ya cant wait to seee you!

