If you are not practicing, just remember: someone, somewhere, is practicing, and when you two meet,
given roughly equal ability, she will win. -Ed Macauley

"Too often we are scared. Scared of what we might not be able to do. Scared of what people might think if we tried. We let our fears get in the way of our hopes. We say no when we want to say yes. We sit quietly when we want to scream. And we shout with the others when we should keep our mouths shut. Why? After all, we do only go around once. There's really no time to be afraid. So stop. Try something you've never tried. Risk have nothing to lose and everything, everything, everything to gain." –Nike

Friday, December 25, 2009

merry christmass!

hellooo and merry christmas!! i put off checkin out this blog because tilt and I had to create our own blogs this semester and it was a horrible experience (both of ours were sub-par...), BUT I've been sitting here reading up about all of youuuu and i'm happy everyone is doing well :)

as for my little update- here are some facts you need to know:

1. got a leather jacket (motorcycle style) for xmas. you guys, i look so badass. like, i thought that i was all cool and bad before....but NO. now though, whoa. watch out. not gonna lie i feel like the shit. it's pretty cool. you know just gettin in the cocky mindset mode before pre-season hehe. (btw i've been rocking the 'hehe' a lot lately and although it does ferak me out a bit, i'm secretly lovin it). oh-also got the ray ban aviators...yep. watchout. i'm too hott.
2. been hanging out on my mom's elliptical this week. i'm so thankful for fat parents sometimes. that was mean...i didn't mean it. i don't really like the elliptical though. kinda boring. i've been rocking out to my idol britney spears though to keep me going- definitely ready to get back into the routine next week.
3. i'm working. surrprrisse!! ew. i didn't think that i was going to but geo (my dad) gave me that tidbit of information on sunday night. so i'm working for him like i do every vaca, and it's worse than ever. i used to just do mind numbing stuff on the computer which was fabulous. i would facebook chat all day (...some of you know what that entails....;) but NOWWW i'm in the new warehouse. COUNTING INVENTORY. it is absolutely miserable. trying to get out of it--buuut my rents keep giving me the 'you'll regret it when you have no money' speech. it's real lame.
4. my family is exactly the same. my mom is out of her mind. my dad tunes us all out. we now have a new addition though...GRANDMAAA yippeee! she not only hates her own life but she hates all of us as well. today she refused to eat. good times.
5. next week i'm going to the gym w/ my brothers during my lunch break. they aren't very nice to me in general let alone in the weight room setting. i'm nervous. i think i'm gonna try to get some duxlax alums together to play some pickup. i wish they would plow the turf...but they dontt sooo i'm thinkin of renting an indoor place for an hour or so...i'll keep you updated.
6. lots and lots of talk about weddings around here. it blows. just realized that me, james, and dan are the ONLY single cipolletti's. James is only 9 and dan's a jerk....i'm telling myself i'm just TOO fabulous. hahaha...oh well

anyway, i generally do not have an idea of what i just rambled about but i hope you enjoyed it and i hope it brightened your day to get inside my head for a little while! i know mandy probably loved it (miss you wife). keep working hard everyone!! and MERRY CHRISTMASSS WOOOO!!!


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